Newly listed items not showing on home page?

Found them in the search so it’s working (for now, fingers crossed it stays that way for you). My dad used to build super computers and always threatened to wire them into a car battery and rev the engine if they mis behaved - I only saw him do it once so maybe its time to upgrade the threats you mutter at the server.

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Super computers? Your dad sounds well cool!
I just need to figure out a way to wire my car into the cloud to get at the servers – could be an interesting weekend project… :wink:

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Quick test on your geek credentials - I swiped his stash of inmos transputer chips when he retired, they are in a box somewhere in my work room.

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When I was working in IT and a customer called with a problem I couldn’t solve my first response was always “if in doubt, boot it out”. Worked 99.9% of the time. Still does for me… when laptop wouldn’t connect to the internet yesterday for no reason whatsoever I restarted and all fixed.

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@SashaGarrett I hate to admit it but you have me thoroughly out-geeked! What were you planning to use them for? I get along much better with software than with hardware. I’ve done some basic swapping of components and building networks with old laptops nobody was using but that’s as far as I’ve gone. But if I could go around saying I built super computers I’d be well stoked. I wouldn’t need to say it to anyone – it would be written on my t-shirt! :slight_smile:

@JOYSofGLASS Yup – the old cliché is true: “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” The other thing I’ve spotted over the years is that servers and computers and printers and the like tend to misbehave right up until they have my attention, then they mysteriously start working again. Almost as if they’d achieved sentience and were, developmentally, a needy child… Which is a terrifying thought but at least I’m Mummy in that scenario – they’ll keep me alive after the machine uprising, surely?


I have a special Look which I use on them when they misbehave, and as if by magic… [works best with other people’s problems, not my own, unfortunately.]

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Whenever I have a problem and mention it to my son it miraculously starts working again. Not just with computers! Otherwise, it’s switch it off and on again and if that fails it’s switch off the internet to the house and back on again. But, almost without fail, when he goes away for a few days, everything fails until he returns. Such amazing powers to have!


Morning Doug, looks like this is happening again. I re-listed several pieces a few minutes ago but none are showing up under the relevant categories or under the newest items on Folksy section on front page.

Hi can anyon ehelp me about ppsting item in folksy please all my item uploaded is not showing,