No stats today

No 24hour stats today.


Ahh, just popped on to see if anyone else’s were missing! Ah well, will leave it a bit & see if they appear…

I assumed that I just hadn’t had any visits to my shop! It didn’t occur to me they might not be working. :slight_smile:

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Me too.! :grinning:

Just jumped on. Had a quick look. Moved on.


Still no stats … it’s my go to place when I wake up …:thinking:

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None today or yesterday for me… Is this a normal occurance? Been with Folksy a few months and very low sales so far…

No stats…it happens sometimes. As for sales being slow, it looks like it’s general. My sales have been very poor, at one point I had no sales for three months. It can only get better!

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OK, so now I’m thinking I’ve just had no views/visits for 2 days? Last 7 days stats is showing a decrease of over 50% in some sections.
Could this be the case or is it a glitch @dougfolksy ? Would really appreciate a response as a few of us are obviously concerned.:thinking:

Thank you for the feedback :blush::ok_hand:

None for me either