Not getting sales

Hello every one , I am wondering if you can take a look at my site as I have not sold any thing for quite some time many thanks everyone

Your photos require some work.

Many of the backgrounds make it hard to see the item for sale properly and some are out of focus.

Also you are not using all 5 photo slots. Don’t forget the reverse side if it’s different to the front. Don’t forget to do close up’s of different parts of your items.

Don’t forget to put down the size’s ie the lip cushion has no size and only one photo which is a bit dark.

Remember potential customer’s can only go on your photo’s and descriptions they can’t pick up the item and inspect it and feel the quality.

Your description also need working on you don’t give enough information.

No sizes no information on materials used ie the crochet cushion is it wool or acrylic, or a mixed fibre yarn such as 40%lambs wool and 60% acrylic. Customers need this kind of information in case of allergies. Also what’s the filler made from is if duck feathers, polyester hollow fibre etc etc.

Your tags also need more words, you have up to 15 you can use for each item, but you barely use any of them.

What is the diamond shaped rug? I’ve no idea from the photo what it’s made from, how long and wide it is.

If it’s knitted, weaven, crochet, or wool tapestry work . I see you put some information in the wrong place under inspiration rather than description.

Are you promoting and if so how often and on how many different social media platforms. and how much by word of mouth, flyers/business cards.?

Hope that helps and all the best

PS I remember you asking the same question before and we gave you same pointers but I see you’ve not changed anything. So I wonder why you’ve asked a second time. I’m a wee bit confused.


Have the same, also on other selling web… Summer… By the way I added new earrings to my offer.

You only have 3 items in your shop and the photo on the green ear rings is on a dirty background which doesn’t give a very professional feel.

You also don’t put much information into your descriptions for instance potential customers would need to know what the metal is that goes through the ear as many people have allergies to different metals and have to be careful what ear rings they buy.

Also you need to work on your tags and add more photos’

Don’t forget to promote.

all the best

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Your descriptions, tags and photos need work. Descriptions and tags help you get found in searches (google uses the description, folksy the tags), if you aren’t being found in searches then people aren’t going to see your work. Descriptions work best if you imagine that the person can’t see the photos (as web bots can’t see photos) so your velvet striped rug has no mention of the colours anywhere in the description/ title or tags so if some one searched ‘purple striped rug’ it won’t be returned in the search results even though it might be what they are after. You then need to think about all the other things people might want to know - as Eileen says what materials have you used, what size is it but also washing instructions, are rugs non slip. If you are going out to buy something what do you want to know about it - that’s the info you need to put in.
And once you’ve done all that you need to promote like crazy and hopefully the hard work will pay off at christmas.

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Thanks for constructive critique Eileen :slight_smile: I’m not good with descriptions here on Folksy. Just added some more info and changed pictures. What do you think - is it better this way?

The green ear rings really stand out now so much clearer :smile:

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Thank you!!! :slight_smile: Hope sales will come one day :slight_smile:

Maybe we are being looked on, as a “viewers count Stats” ?
That’s all I can think of,if the question Fredas asked has already been answered.