Not Too Late for Handmade - shopping event starts on Thursday

Don’t forget it’s our ‘Not Too Late for Handmade’ shopping event this weekend, starting on Thursday 14th December through to Sunday. Full instructions on how to take part are in the blog posted linked below but essentially:

  1. Add the tag nottoolate to your listings

  2. Choose one of the templates we’ve created (the ones with the badges) to use as your first image in the listing - examples below. Just replace the template pictures with your own image.

  3. Check your products appear as you want them to on the preview page (this is not live to the public yet) -

More details here: Join our Christmas 2023 events | Folksy Blog

Any questions, just ask :slight_smile:

PS. If you’re not sure how to use Canva templates, watch this video


Thanks for adding the filters - that’ll really help :smiley:

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It’s working! Thank you! Three sales today having had none since last weekend - happy dance time :slight_smile: And I totally agree that having filters is a huge improvement, thank you for that too!


My items don’t seem to be appearing.

Check you have your tag in lowercase, it is case sensitive.

I have and it is.
Now I have some showing.
I guess I wasn’t patient.

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I just scrolled right through and only two of my items were showing… then I realised it was because the third one had just that minute sold… :roll_eyes:

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I made another board (and there are three more in the ‘promoting Folksy’ thread for Folksy Friday) - if anybody wants a graphic to promote the event but doesn’t have time to make one. Please feel free to borrow and share! None of them have my own stuff in, by the way :wink:

@PocketfulCreations @Thecraftycurioshop @MyosotisJewellery @JOYSofGLASS @theundergroundforest @adornceramics @kariart152


Well done on your lovely boards Lynn xxx

Thank you! I’m hoping a few more people may pick them up and share them before the end of the event. There doesn’t seem to have been quite the same level of seller engagement for this event as there was for the Craftmas one… maybe lots of sellers are too busy with existing orders (here’s hoping!) or perhaps have shut up shop for the holidays already? Anyway it’s brought me in a few sales I don’t think I’d have had without it, so I’m happy to try to put something back by sharing other people’s listings :slight_smile:


Thanks for including my bowl xx

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Thank you Lynn @LooneySpoons for including my peg bag - much appreciated.

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Thank you for including my gift vouchers Lynn :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I think you’re right - I know quite a few who for one reason or another have shut for Christmas already and I’ve maybe done a bit less on social media than I would have otherwise because I’ve been working on last minute Christmas orders (it’s a nice problem to have though!) x


Well, I’ve had eight sales during the event and had a blast discovering and sharing lovely things from other people’s shops - and by way of thanks to this lovely community, and also since it’s not quite too late and I am an incurable optimist, I’ve made another board for people to enjoy and share…

@violetsprinthouse @WonkyTowersCrafts @needleworkwithlove @moraglloydstextiles @theaccidentalstitcher @jewellerybyellarose @happytomato7
So please do enjoy and share!


Well done on your sales Lynn, well deserved I say! A great example of ‘getting out what you put in’. You embraced the event, promoted, supported others, stuck at it till the end (and enjoyed it!). I hope @LooneySpoons on Folksy continues to grow xxx


Thank you for the kind words! I did quite well on the Craftmas event so I was determined to make the most of this one too, and maybe encourage a few more people to do the sharing thing as well as promoting their own shops. Also it gave me a reason to practise with Canva. I am determined to make a go of my Folksy shop somehow!