Oops! accidental purchase

I accidently used my business card for a personal order! So how do I put that through my books? I was going to put it as Errror personal purchase and then put a cash payment in to cover it or do I not bother and just add a note to explain?

If it were me I’d pay the business account back for the personal expense and then write a note on the bank statement reminding myself of what the transactions are (otherwise I’d have a bit of a panic about what they are come tax return time).

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I almost made a monumentally accidental donation today. Was donating 10.00 to Royal British Legion and typed 10.00 (the donation amount was sort of freeform and not in a box). I went back to check / correct something and went through it all again. Decided, fortunately, to use Paypal as there was enough in there.
Thank goodness I spotted that it wanted to take money out of my bank account as well … odd as there was enough to cover it in Paypal.
> Not enough to cover the £1000 - when I accidentally didn’t type any full stop.

Wonder if they would have refunded me the accidental £990 ?
Wonder if I would have noticed if I’d used my credit card ?
Doesn’t bear thinkng about. shudder.
Not mentioned it to Bob - don’t tell him :slight_smile:

PS: Should have added a note by way of apologising as this is not relevent to the original query but it was accidental !


thanks sasha so do i write it in my ledger as well to show it going out and in or just leave it and put a note on bankstatement

I’d just put a note on the bank statement.

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I’ve no idea how it should be done but personally I’d write a note in the ledger too - I have a dreadful memory and whilst I might remember this tax year, if ever I needed to go back to it in the future I’d need as many notes as possible.