Paypal is on a go slow

Just in case you get an order and no payment today.,
Just taken ages to get into Paypal to give a combined postage refund and then I was thrown out again.

So if someone orders but doesn’t pay they may be having problems so a good idea to send them an email to check they know they haven’t paid and offering to help.
Joy xx

Black Friday Baa Humbug…

PS Just checked on Twitter and sure enough lots of reports of it being down on the busiest weekend of the year. That’s why I don’t like the Black Friday concept.

Hi Joy, I’ve had three unpaid orders today, one eventually managed to pay, one asked for a Paypal invoice (and it took me ages to get logged on) and even now she has the invoice she’s struggling, and the third still hasn’t managed to pay either. Seems there is a problem for sure - like you suggest, I think it wise to follow up unpaid orders with a polite email. A flurry of orders today - maybe the Christmas rush has started. Good luck to everyone on here in the run up to Christmas xxxxx

I’ve had an absolute nightmare with my PayPal Here card reader this weekend as well!

I’ve not yet got round to a reader as the chances of having a signal which works, never mind Paypal, are pretty remote where I do my events.

Yes, I’ve had an unpaid order too. I’ve sent an email, fingers crossed they manage to complete ok when Paypal stops having a tizzy.

I think its the internet in general. I ordered something for my niece last night and the order bit went through fine but I had to try about 8 times to get the payment to go through as the part where you verify your credit card with the password kept timing out.

Had an order about 10 minutes ago. No payment as yet, but they may be looking around Folksy. I will let u know if the payment comes through


Whoop. The payment has just come through :blush:

Good luck with your payments folks :blush:


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