Pinterest for promotion

I know this might sound a bit daft but those that use Pinterest to promote what do you actually do!!??
I have an account and I post new items but it gets me no views.
How can you be interactive on Pinterest? Do you post others stuff?
Any tips!?

Hi Emma

I use Pinterest to make personal collections that interest me.
I also join in as best I can with the daily listing thread on the forums. Whether it be a new listing or a relist, we show each other what we have made, and add the link. We then love each others items, and promote on social media of your choice.
I mainly use Pinterest to help with promotion. I make a new section for each month.
I really enjoy it. Itā€™s always lovely to see what other folks are making. Iā€™ve found some lovely presents for people too :blush:


Hi Emma. I have a Pinterest account and this is what I do - I only have 1 board which is dedicated solely to my products. The rest of my boards are made up of collections or themes, which I hope will inspire followers, so for example I have a Christmas board, in which I add lifestyle pictures, my own products, other peoples products etc. My aim is to show followers what my style is like and how my products and other peoples products fit in to that style. I have no idea if it gets me any views, but I really enjoy Pinterest and I also use it to bookmark business articles, photography tips etc which I find interesting and may help other designer/makers.
I do have a couple of Pinterest tips, which I got from the fab Mollie Makes Social Media magazine:
If you want your Pinterest board to be about your business, itā€™s a good idea to organise your boards so that your personal boards are at the bottom and the boards showcasing your products and themes etc are at the top, make them seasonal too, so if itā€™s winter, put your wintery boards at the top etc. Also, try and keep your board titles to 20 characters or less, so your titles donā€™t get cut off and add a description to every board, this helps with SEO
Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s OK to put our Pinterest links on the Folksy forum, if itā€™s not, please feel free to remove it Folksy admin x


Ali @millyandpip I also use Pinterest in the same way, and totally love it, in fact I could waste hours a day if I had them !! However I have one question, I used to know how to do this, but have forgotten, how do you move a whole board around your site? So like you say put the Christmas board at the top. And how do you move a pin within a board?
Thanks Suzzie x

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Search engine robots like links to follow so if one of them stumbles upon your work on pinterest they can track it back to source. This can help move you up in the search result rankings. Just because no one is directly coming to your shop from pinterest doesnā€™t mean its not having a positive effect.


Hi @thistledownandHOPE To more boards around, go on to your page and just drag and drop into position, Iā€™ve only managed to do this on a PC though. And as far as I know we canā€™t move pins within a board, Iā€™d love to be able to do this though x
P.s. Yes, I really love Pinterest too :0)

Thank you, just rearranged my boards,
Suzzie x

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Hi @millyandpip - have just had a look at your lovely boards on Pinterest. I havenā€™t really used Pinterest very much and thought, seeing this thread, that perhaps Iā€™ll make 2016 a year to clean up my boards and use Pinterest a little more. Your boards Alli had inspired me to do that - thank you.

However, I have a question, and wondered what peoples thoughts are on this. When looking just now at my own Pinterest noticed, I saw that someone had pinned a vast amount of my business pins (along with other pins from Folksy and elsewhere) to their own board named ā€œidees feutrineā€ (felt ideas). This made me a bit uncomfortable. I know that by selling our goods anywhere online is going to increase the chances of copyright problems, but somehow with Pinterest, it feels more in your face. Not everyone is aware of how copyright works or just hope they wonā€™t get detected.

Am I just being sensitive? I guess it has made me think a bit. Thereā€™s so many fabulous items popping up on our Pinterest timelines, itā€™s very much open to abuse from all and sundry.



Yeah Iā€™ve seen my prints repinned under boards titled things like ā€˜Lino ideaā€™ or ā€˜Printing inspirationā€™ stuff like that. Iā€™ve never given it much thought to be honest. I guess itā€™s just part of it- I see Pinterest as an ideas sharing site- an insanely high amount of pins are ideas for people to make/bake/try themselves.
I have various boards and one is titled ā€˜craft ideasā€™ where if I see something I thinks cool & think ā€˜oh I might like to make that some dayā€™ Iā€™ll pin it there. Likely hood is I will never make it- but if I did it would only be for personal use anyway and I donā€™t think Iā€™m doing anything wrong. :confused:


You have a point there Susannah - my hubby said the same - the chances of someone actually making something theyā€™d pinned is possibly slim!

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Youā€™re welcome @elliestreasures
I know exactly what you mean about other pinners putting your products on their ā€˜things I want to makeā€™ boards. This really upset me at 1st, in fact, when I joined Pinterest, I didnā€™t pin any of my own products on to my boards because of it! However, anyone can pin your products to their Pinterest boards even if you donā€™t have a Pinterest account yourself, so I just decided to embrace it, as the positives outweigh the negatives.
One thing I do however, is whenever I pin one of my products, I edit the photo description and add a copyright mark to it, just to remind any pinners that the products are copyrighted.

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I get emails if any of my pins have been repinned- the only time I hear anything is when someone has pinned something from my Cute Animals board. I let little B (aged 8 at the time) have her own board, which is called Briaā€™s Little Babas and is mostly animals like sphynx cats and cute puppies. She gets the most repins!
I must say, I donā€™t use Pinterest much at the moment. Perhaps I should, but I already spend too much time online.

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Hello Emma, I do use Pinterest and am beginning to find out just how useful it can be.To link to your website or Folksy etc is really, really importantā€¦.my Pinterest account was very non productive at first.
I make a point of putting a few items on every other day or so and link to my website or whichever website is promoting my products. I also keep one board solely for my designs, and the rest are other interests but mostly connected with the genre of my work. There are things still that I know I am not doing yet, but we get there in all good time I think.
We have to put a great deal of time aside now for social media, but it is worth the effort, and now I love it. Good Luck :smile:

Thank you Ali - thatā€™s a good idea, about adding the copyright to the description.

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What a fantastic excuse to keep on pinning! I like it :smile:

Sam x

Hello Gloria, noticed you have blurb at the top of your boards page and a link to your web site, is one allowed to add our own Folksy address there too?, have others?
I also read somewhere that it is good to pin a few things regularly, rather than mass pinning, as that keeps your profile active, and I do get a few repins a week, but I think the best is when someone actually pinned one of my lifestyle photos of something I had made that really made me jump for the stars, felt that little olā€™ me was as good as any professional!!!
Still need to work on social media side of things, but quietly, quietly catch ye monkey
Suzzie x

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Hello Suzzie,
I registered with Pinterest for Business ( this was free ) which gives you lots of advice as to how to get the best from your pins.
I still have loads to learn, but I am fairly sure it is ok to put your Folksy address there even if you have not got Pinterest for Business. Others certainly have.
It is so good when someone re - pins your items and since linking to my website, Folksy or anywhere my work is sold, it has resulted in sales. Simply pin an item from your shop and the link is there.
I hope this helps as I am no expert, I am even thinking about a professional social media course for a quicker route to knowledge ā€¦I think it all takes a lot of time out of the studio though. Balance in all things :relaxed: Best Gloria x

Hey there m Check out my Folksy board on Pinterest
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