Hi! I didn’t quite postage other than home and Europe. I now have an order fromUSA. Can I charge postage?
I’m surprised that an order from the USA was able to get through the checkout system if you didn’t list postage. Either contact the buyer and see what they say, and if they’re willing to pay, send them a Paypal invoice or similar, or just pay up and put it down to experience. It’s not a huge amount for something small.
Send an email to support@folksy.com notifying them that it has happened. Previously paypal would stop the order from finalising if the shop didn’t ship to the country of the delivery address.
Very odd it let it through as I see you only ever list postage for UK and Europe. I’ve never known it let USA purchase through. Was it Stripe or Paypal ?
I just looked at your 2 sold items and one had shipping for UK and Europe, the other had shipping for UK, US and Canada (with a £3 shipping price). Are you sure you didn’t accidentally fill in the wrong box?
Ignore me if it was the UK/Europe one you had the problem with.