Re-arrange items in different order

Hi…I have been looking, but unable to find, any mechanism to re-arrange items you have listed. I sell prints and original paintings, but if I add a new listing, of an original painting, I didn`t want it to appear in the print section…Is there a way to do this…? thanks.

Within your own shop you can create ‘collections’ which will be displayed at the top of the front page of your shop, so customers can go directly to ‘prints’ or ‘original paintings’ - whatever you want to call them.
Go to your dashboard and under Shop Settings you will find collections. Create your new collections and then in Shopkeeping you can go through each item in your shop and add it to the relevant section. You can also reorder how they appear in your shop by dragging them up and down this list.
You can also select a number of your items to be ‘featured’ at the top of your front page - a random selection of three will be displayed.
Hope that helps. :smiley:

Thanks Alison…Thats a great help, dont think I would have found it otherwise. Thanks again. Rod. :smiley:

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