We’re debating branching out into including rough cut gemstones in some of our pieces (or - possibly just making lovely things for ourselves depending on how cost effective it all works out!) but we’re REALLY struggling to find suppliers of such stones!
We’ve stumbled on both Kernowcraft and Manchester Minerals - but both seem to specialise in tumbled, polished and cut gemstones which really isn’t what we’re looking for. Similarly, if we search for ‘rough gemstones’ online we stumble on lots of new age sites who are supplying massive uncut rough pieces as display or other use - but again, not what we’re looking for.
Where do UK people source reasonable quality stones from?! Specifically - pieces that are upto maybe 2cm long (though bigger is also of interest!), and might be rutilated quartz, or goldstone, or obsidian, or any semi-precious stone really! HELP?!
[The irony that we’re based in Birmingham’s JQ and STILL can’t find a good supplier is not lost on us! (if we ask around, people just shrug. Diamonds - easy! Rough rutilated quartz points? Nope!)]
Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880 do you have uncuts for sale? I think you mentioned something in an old thread?
I have some untumbled, uncut ect south African agates.
What sort of thing are you looking for?
Thank Rachel @GreenwoodMakes you have a fantastic memory.
Here’s a picture of some of the untumbled or half tumbled agates I have.
In the picture there’s malachite, amethyst, smoky quartz, carnelian and more.
I have tumbled agates too that are uncut.
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I guess we din’t know what’s available - but as a starting point we love the stones used by Midwinter such as their rutilated quartz here: http://www.midwinter.co/collections/jewelry/products/rutilated-quartz-faceted-pear-ring and black quartz here: http://www.midwinter.co/collections/jewelry/products/black-tibetan-quartz-necklace
We want to find a supplier who we can browse and can tell us about how ethically they’re sourced too. 
All my agates were got in person. My step dad collected them through his childhood. He was born and raised in South Africa.
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I don’t know were you would get anything like that.
I only have the sort of agates in the picture I posted.
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Have you tried the Curious Gem?
Also Charming Beads ?
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I have a stash of uncut crystals of various types thanks to my father in law who bought them in Madagascar so maybe a ‘business trip’ there is required? They aren’t points but rough chunks so setting them is challenging but a trip to Madagascar would be worth the hassle. (I made this from them https://folksy.com/items/6136861-Sterling-silver-and-rough-black-tourmaline-crystal-pendant-necklace) I also have a very good stall holder in my local market (Cambridge) who does mineral samples but not online (but if you find yourself in this neck of the woods I’ll take you to see her). So far not really much help to you.
A quick google search for ‘mineral samples’ turned up
they’ve got points and rough lumps at reasonable prices - not sure if it is exactly what you’re after but worth a look.
these are both great - although they’re all drilled… so heading in the right direction at least and they may be someone we’ll use at some point, so thanks!! 
Definitely a trip to Madagascar I reckon.
but we’d not tried searching for mineral samples and that site looks very interesting! thanks!
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Count me in on the madagascan trip 
They’re not all drilled 
I would recommend going to one of the Rock,gem and bead shows that tour the country. You get loads of different suppliers under one roof and can really look for the quality, buying gemstones online is always a bit of a gamble I find.
Does that mean you’ve booked your trip to Madagascar? Its on the list of places to go but that is a long list and I do try to make them all ‘business trips’. (Next up Finland home of spectrolite, amethyst, garnet and dog sledding, I’ll struggle to call the last bit business but if I can find the first one I’ll be a very happy bunny).
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The person who set up Manchester minerals started off by by going down mines and collecting specimens as a hobby, which was obviously later turned into a business, we knew him from when he studying for a degree at the university in our town. So you may joke about going to Madagascar but you never know it may be a start of a new life @frillyindustries
Hi has anyone mentioned Folksy’s own Geocraftgems? Mark does some nice uncut gems and all come with the details of which mine they were sourced at etc. Take a look but be sure to check the dimensions of the stones as he doesn’t supply specifically for jewellers. Enjoy
thank you!! nobody mentioned them, so we’ll go look now. 
I can recommend Jacqueline Austen @JAustenJewelleryDesign she has a Facebook group,page for selling gemstones too.
Natalie x