Shop listings rearranging

I’ve just been checking my shop and have noticed a lot of my listings have rearranged themselves. For a while I’ve been experiencing the odd one of two changing place, but today there are too many to count. Is anybody else having this problem?

Nothing odd on mine. Are you sure you don’t have listing which have expired and therefore dropped out of your shop. As ex-IT I honestly cannot see how things could rearrange themselves on their own.

All of my listings are active, but I did renew some a few days ago. I wonder if when I’m renewing them they’re reverting back to where they were when I originally listed them (I had a reorganize a few months back).

Like you I’ve noticed the occasional one switching places in the past (normally it’s just one or two places up or down, and even when you’re in shopkeeping sometimes it doesn’t seem to be working right and takes many attempts to get it to go where you want because it’d rather be in the next space and keeps jumping back there).

I’ve not particularly noticed any today though, but yes, I think once you relist them from expired they’ll go back to the place they last were.