SHOP LOCATIONS - new feature!

My parents and their’s before them were born and bred in Rochdale Lancashire. In the 1970s someone in Manchester decided they wanted to get more money into their council so they declared that Rochdale was no longer in Lancashire but was now part of Greater Manchester. (This meant the rates in Rochdale shot up to Manchester levels without the Manchester facilities !) . I still post things to Rochdale as my sister and niece live there and I can promise my address labels are Always Rochdale Lancashire and I have never ever used Greater Manchester…my mother and many of my ancestors would turn in their Lancashire graves if I did…


Thank you :slight_smile:

We clearly all feel the same about our roots Joy, I always thought Rochdale was Lancashire :slight_smile: I’d never heard of Greater Manchester as a county until the last couple of days…a bit like I wish I’d never heard of Humberside, it died, a long time ago but keeps popping up again :grinning:


Just had a look and it’s fixed. There’s a road with a similar name to mine in Basildon (I’ve had mail accidentally sent there before :roll_eyes:) so I’m not surprised it glitched!

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Telford, Shropshire identified correctly. Thanks