Now of course the answer really could be “0”, but my 24 hour site stats have been showing that across the board for the last 2 days - is there a problem with the function or am I really that unpopular?
Mine are ‘0’ too so I think there is a problem. I edited some listings yesterday so they should show as views at least!
Yes mine too. There was a problem during the week too.
I had visits yesterday as I check my google analytics. So think they’ve not been updated.
Has anyone tagged @dougfolksy? or emailed suppport?
Hello! Just letting you know I’m looking into it.
Hello again – thanks for the headsup on that!
I found a shop impression record that was causing the stats generation task to fall over.
I’ve fixed that record and relaunched the stats generation task to run for the last couple of days’ data – people should start to see their stats for the weekend appearing over the next hour or two.
Sorry about the delay on those, thanks again for the headsup and thanks for being so patient whilst we fix it.
Hi – the script has finished, now, and everybody’s stats should be back in place.
Thanks so much again for your patience whilst we fixed that!
Thank you @dougfolksy. Keep safe and make sure you don’t get the Virus, we need you on hand!
Thank you, and you too! x