Has anyone else noticed a terrible drop in social media reach recently. I spend ages putting a post together every day, only to find that only a handful of people have seen it. This has been happening for a few weeks now. I’m engaging with other people’s posts, using relevant hash tags etc but to no avail. Anyone else having the same problem?
I find am not seeing a lot of posts, think the algorithm is having a holiday!
Yes, I am the same…I’m lucky if I get 2 comments on my posts and the reach has dropped drastically. {Facebook}
I’ve noticed a significant lag in me being shown SM posts especially on insta - it can be showing me posts from 3 days ago. So I suspect that they are doing something to the algorithm.
The reach on my grid posts on IG has definitely dropped but stories are about the same. Reel posts are variable but for some reason the ones I post on Saturday afternoons seem to do better!!
That’s interesting - I’ve never found Saturdays very good myself but my weekly posts this time last year were reaching a lot of people but now I’m lucky if they manage 10-15.
Don’t you wish they would adhere to that fantastic policy…
If it works don’t fix it…
I spend most of my FB time stuck between my personal and my business page trying to get from one to the other…
Me too Joy - but mine’s even worse: I belong to a team who do all of the gardens around the harbour, paint fences and benches etc and I run their Facebook page. It was all fine and separate until Facebook decided to change everything. Now I’m constantly in the wrong group and often don’t realise until I wonder why someone from Brixham council is saying well done to my shop and then I realise I’m in gardening mode! Is there a default setting so that you can always stay on one page and just look at the others when you want to? It’s so frustrating!
Morning Ladies,
I’ve found things have dropped recently - not that my reach has ever been great on FB. Although I think part of my issue is that I’ve had a couple of odd days recently when I haven’t got around to posting.
@JOYSofGLASS my hubby thinks the reason FB changes things is so they can add an update to the app stores and that means they stay in the list of most downloaded apps Hence the reason they can’t just leave it alone!
Hopefully we’ll manage to figure out the way to beat their algorithms one day
Cheers Lou
I just generally find social media a nightmare
I seem to have the most issues with Facebook, definitely have the same problem switching between my personal and my page and not knowing where I am on there, and just understanding it in general. I’ve seen a lot of people mentioning not reaching as many people recently on Instagram and Facebook.
Totally agree with you, its a nightmare on FB I don’t know which page I’m on. I only joined in the springtime because of my shop and was just starting to get the hang of it. grrrrrr… lol
Me too with everything everyone has said especially relating to Facebook and having to change profiles!!!
It surprised me as static grid posts don’t do particularly well at the weekend but for some reason reels posted Saturday afternoon/evening definitely get the biggest reach
Yep! I’ve gone back to blogging because instagram has fallen off a cliff!
I think it’s the way people can choose their feed now - Following or Favourites. And with Reels taking me 3 hours to make I’m giving up hope
Me too, I tend to spend more time on Instagram than facebook and the past couple of weeks i have noticed views/likes have dropped by at least half. …
Facebook is a nigthmare, I use to spend more time on it but recently I can go days without even looking. Everything has changed, I don’t generally go on the newsfeed, I go to groups to see posts from other Folksy sellers but I seem to be seeing the same ones every time i go on, I find the switching profiles a pain, if I didnt need it I would definately close my facebook account.
It’s not that often I switch profiles on fb now. I pretty much stay on my business page and just view the feed there and I comment on other pages whilst logged into my page. My friends post very little anyway so if I look once a week I haven’t really missed anything.
It’s gone worse last few days. I am now getting notifies for my business page when in my personal page notify tab… if i don’t notice its a business page one it takes me right out of my personal page and quickest and really the only way back is to exit FB and go back in again and hopefully get back to where i was on my personal page. Have lost several interesting things i wanted to look at because of this. grrrr
I find on Instagram I get more views on a reel I randomly quickly made up in 3 seconds compared to something I have planned for a while. I feel somehow spur of the moment posts are good? However, those views and likes don’t necessarily mean sales which is disappointing at times
Me too Joy - it’s driving me Doo-Lally!