Tags & keywords

Does anyone know if apostrophes make any difference in terms of tags & keywords? I’ve just been reading on Google about capital letters and symbols other than the apostrophe but can’t find an answer about this. For example, for my Mother’s Day cards I tagged both “mothers day” & “mother’s day” but wondered if they brought the same set of results?


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Hi Karen
I was thinking the same thing. When adding things earlier.
I would also love to know the answer if anyone can help

I tagged my things Mother’s Day on some items and Mothers Day on others. I don’t know if this makes any difference on the Folksy search engine, but I have noticed that how sensitive the search is varies from site to site, so it might depend on Folksy’s own settings.

Love Sam x

There’s a post in the Folksy blog but I can’t see anything about apostrophes etc but I may of missed it :slight_smile:

Folksy Blog… how to use tags

hi - does anybody know if apostrophes make a difference to tags - ? from what i have just tested it looks like it doesn’t and acts like no apostrophes are there when the tags are searched.