Time wasting!

Why oh why does it happen every time one of my daughters comes home? I get up early and I know I will have a few hours before morning, in their language, comes around but I just cant get on with anything. I’m constantly thinking - I won’t have time to finish this/do that - and end up doing nothing at all. Have been sat here all morning waiting for my youngest to surface - sum total of productivity = 2 scarves ironed!

Good job she’s only here for the weekend!

Anyone else suffer in the same way?


I read a tip once that said you should make a note of how long a job really takes, like washing up, or tidying your bedroom, because actually none of them take long, the problem is that we put them off in case we don’t get finished, and once you have clocked how long they take, you know if you can fit it in! Perhaps it could be applied to crafting too! I often have a ‘power hour’, a whole 60 minutes dedicated to DOING.

I know when my daughter phones that I’ll be playing catch up for the rest of the day but I love it that we have such long conversations.


Oh yes, do this all the time, I just need to focus :grinning: