Just tried a little experiment and it worked (!), so I thought I would share with you…
I was wondering if the order you display your items has an affect on how they sell. I’ve got a number of categories in my shop so I tried re-ordering them (for example at Christmas time I made sure my decorations category was top of the list and most relevant items were ‘featured items’ so they would show up on the toolbar thingummyjig, which worked great.
However, I also just discovered that if you shift items around within the categories, it works really well - for example everyone is looking for gifts for teachers at the moment so I put this item top in my “Teachers” category and I just got a sale! Worth playing around with…
I must admit I move things around quite often…I think it gives a fresh look to the shop front. If people visit your shop regularly and it always looks the same they will soon get bored and stop coming.
I move things around often but i look at the stats first, to see which items are getting the most impressions and views. I then move these into featured and move compatible items close by. This seams to work. Sales are slow but gently building.
I didn’t even think of having a specific teachers’ gift section, so thank you for the idea!
I do try and move things around now and again but I’ve never thought of re-ordering my categories, so I will keep that in mind for seasonal trends