Trouble logging in

Anyone else having trouble getting into their shop? Tried last night and still no joy this morning…

For the last several days when I hit my shortcut directly to my shop after 1 minuteish++ of white screen I get the something has gone wrong message. It works second time round but …I do hope my customers, who have my direct shop link from all the business cards I send out and from my website and social media… are not getting the same !

Managed it on my iPhone. Maybe it’s an android issue.

I was on my desktop. Think it just takes so long to load it gives up.

And on my phone just now.

Is yours an android Joy?

Yes but irrelevant to this problem I’m pretty sure… as have it big time on both my laptop and my desktop which I use to get into Folksy most of the time, not my phone.
Only used the phone then as I was working in the garage so thought I would see what the phone thought… it didn’t !

Mmm? Not good. Not helping with lack of sales. Maybe it’s not all my fault?

I’m quite busy but usually am But if it’s like this in August … what happens by mid September when people start shopping in earnest… that’s why I keep nagging about it…

And again… 9 55 24/8

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Hi, @JOYSofGLASS – that ‘DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN’ error on your phone looks like a device issue that it’s perhaps worth investigating. I’ve had a bit of a search around it and there seem to be a few articles dealing with it.
However, the “something went wrong” error is definitely on our end. I’m having a hunt through our logs to see if there are any clues. Were you seeing issues at a specific time? And was this just your shop pages? Oh, and could you let me know the URL in the shortcut you mention using, @JOYSofGLASS?
Sorry to ask so many questions!
Thanks so much for letting us know that you were having problems, I am looking into it.

Doug It’s the same error whether on my laptop, desktop or phone when I go directly to my shop URL via the shortcuts I have set up… I hit the link wait for long long seconds with just a white screen for company and then get one error message or another. I only tried on my phone as it was handy and I was working in the garage and I wanted to refer to one of my photos… normally I am on my super fast fibre connection via my laptop… I don’t get this response on any other site…
I’m not concerned about an odd error message on my android phone, that does what it does… I am concerned about the general error messages going into or failing to go into, my website which happens says 33% of the time regardless of time of day.

I’ve popped another monitor on your shop URL to gather some data and I’m looking into what might be holding things up.
I think this is related to the slow-down on large shops I worked on before Christmas – we’ll have passed another threshold. I’ve got a couple of things to roll out to test it so I’ll be doing that over the next day and monitoring response times.
The average response for your shop in the monitor is around 2 seconds, however I have seen a couple of the longer responses you mention, too. I think I know what that’s related to and I’ll push out the first of my possible fixes once the monitor has enough data for me to compare results with.
Again, thanks for letting us know and thanks for being so helpful whilst I look into it.

Thanks Doug…Any more info / data from me just ask… :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Sorry my shop is being naughty :slight_smile:

Cheers Joy! :slight_smile:
I’ve got a monitor gathering average response times and I can look in the logs for any that fall outside of the average so I’ll let those gather an evening’s worth of data.
In the meantime, I’m looking at further ways to speed up the various queries around displaying a shop, particularly larger shops, and I’ll be deploying and refining those tomorrow.
I’ll let you know how I get on!


I had problems today.
This was the message after trying to sign in:
seem to have some trouble with folksy. Hard to login and edit items. Error “400 bad request” appears

Too much stock, Joy! You’ll just have to stop producing so much!! :laughing:

What would I do with my time ? Usually go away to Europe for a couple of months a year but of course haven’t so if I’m home, I make glass. It’s a compulsion / addiction call it what you will. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Got this just now !