Why such a difference between the old folksy stats and the new ones (both showing stats for yesterday)
The top one (old stats) only shows views on specific items, the new stats includes views on your shop front as well as on specific items (I don’t know if it also includes collection pages). This would suggest that you have had 52 hits on your shop front - depending on how widely you spread your shop address on social media and blogs this might be accurate. My shop now facebook button, pinterest and a couple of other places all point to my shop front rather than a specific item so if someone has landed on my facebook page and clicks on the shop now button it takes them to the shop front (1 view for new stats), they might then click on an item (2 views for new stats, 1 view on the old stats), decide its not for them and click back to the shop front (3 views for new stats) and click on a different item (4 views for the new stats, 2 views for the old ones). Am I making any sense?
It looks as if the new stats are only for 24 hours as that’s the highlighted selection button but the old top stats are 7 days ?
The green circle shows the previous day’s views in the old stats so we need to compare 75 (old stats) to 127 (new stats).
Great stats tho. I never get past 20 a day. And my impressions are pathetic.
That makes perfect sense Sasha @SashaGarrett, thank you.
I’m not one to really worry about views, they are what they are but I was curious as to why the numbers were so different.
@Amberlilly if I do no promotion my views drop to below 10 a day. I use Twitter, FB, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr.
Thanks Sasha. Writing was too small to read on the green on my phone !