Views from 8 or 9 years ago

I keep getting things viewed in my Stats from 8 or 9 years ago, long before I was on Facebook or Instagram. I just find it strange, when they were sold many years ago. Where are people viewing these things?

I’m getting this too. I think it may not be actual real people. There was a thread about it a couple of weeks ago:

I have had the same thing for the past couple of weeks, more views of old items than current listings, wondered why.

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I’d been seeing views on items from 3 or 4 years ago which I’d put down to pinterest (although the traffic was high for that) but since pinterest only got going in 2011 so that wouldn’t explain your views. So I’m now going with bots as the explaination.

Only one of my twelve most viewed items is currently in my shop. So I could only be getting a couple of “real” views per day, in spite of the encouraging figures :neutral_face:

I’m the same. My shop is on holiday now but I still got a lot of views, with the majority being old items from 3-5 years ago.

It’s very strange :blush:

I’ve got a russian search engine ( showing up in my visitor stats - could be them that’s the cause of all this.

Yes, this morning I noticed several views for things which were sold years ago, probably not as many as 8 or 9 though.

First day in months that I have had real views and not bot ones, wonder if the problem has been solved. Happy Christmas everyone x


I noticed that too. I thought perhaps the bot had gone off on his Christmas hols! :grinning:

I always forget to look at my stats but just looked at the last 24 hours and still getting views on stuff from 2012! Pinterest is still where most of my views are coming from, so it must be that for me.

This was happening to me too before Christmas and it’s happened again today. It’s really unnerving as I keep thinking I’ve accidentally resisted something that I haven’t got.