Yesterday Folksy views 1
yesterdayGoogle Analytics views 32
Yesterday Folksy views 1
yesterdayGoogle Analytics views 32
On another thread a folksy staff person did say that it hasn’t been working properly.
And it was one of the things the techie people will be working on. Hope that helps
Hi Paul, this happens to me most days - glad its not just me!!
How are you finding the Google analytics? I’m currently getting more views from Russia than the UK!!
Thanks for your replies, I don’t get many views really,I made one of the gift guides yesterday and I suppose that was the reason for the surge on GA, yes I am getting the Russians ,especially “copyright” ,anybody else getting that one ,you can block it if you type “remove copyright claims . org.” it into google.
I have given up looking at views both on Folksy and Google Analytics - seems most of the ones on GA are robots anyway as they are usually from very obscure places! At the end of the day its sales I want not views!
Thanks Paul, I’ll investigate later
How do you find out in google analytics the address of who’s looking? I’ve only got as far as the list of countries and percentages.
I’m sorry ,I can’t tell you at the moment because I can’t remember what I done, but I am fairly sure it was in real time when I saw somebody from Russia come on and I clicked something and got the "copyright claims " thing. Hopefully somebody will come on who knows.
I had a whopping 3 according to the stats page.