Weekly Art Chat 7th - 13th April 2014

I agree Margaret, I wish we could let people know that they can get quality art on here for a reasonable price…
I am doing well on the new forums now…Once I get over my initial (regular) panic mode, I am ok…and there are always nice people to help out.


Sounds good Margaret. If it’s a proper art gallery the artists will have to pay around 40% commission to the gallery on every sale - that’s on of the reasons why art is so much more expensive. The other is expectation I suppose.

Here are my new listings for today - these were in my old shop and have only just made it over to this one

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morning all…lovely pics Stephie…hope to get some listing done later today…waving to you all

Lovely and vibrant fireworks pics Stephie.

just listed this one…


Wow Brenda that’s lovely!

took me about 4 attempts to show this picture…I kept getting a message saying “body is too similar to that recently posted”
Any clues anyone??

Hmm… new one on me Brenda - think that needs admin to sort out… Nice picture…

After a weekend of pottering about the garden I feel a bouncy and vibrant - wonderful what spending a little time in the warm sun can do for you… a new version of a previously listed ACEO from me today - I prefer this newer version:
Sennen harbour in Cornwall:

well I eventually got it to download Trevor…ha ha…perhaps they are limiting us to showing a painting only once…lol…:wink:
Anyway it worked eventually…very strange though…never had that problem yesterday…

You’re too prolfic Brenda, you’ll have to slow down a bit…!

I had that problem when I tried to put the same picture on several threads. I suppose it stops all the threads becoming too samey.

Btw I think we need a new thread, it being a new week and all that :wink:

so does that mean that we cannot show our work on here, plus the gallery, plus what have you listed today?..The answer to that would be the listing one first and then show on the gallery a day later…mmm…
If we want to sell we need to show our work in as many places as possible…hope admin are reading this…lol

That happened to me a few days ago, I slightly changed the wording and it was accepted :smile:

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Hello justhere very new and don’t know what I’m doing