Weekly Art Chat 7th - 13th April 2014

Good Morning :smile:

Good you went to the exhibition Margaret, keep going to them, its not all about buying but good to see Art in person I find, we have been a to few local exhibits in the last year and its funny how varied they are, especially the people, a couple we have been to, no one smiled at me or spoke at all, and yet we were at others where they were so friendly the artist chatted so much with were pushed for time to get to see all the art !!!

I totally agree with you about the promoting to sell … people I have been in contact with, via different reasons, some connected with art, some connect via my web business, think they can just open a shop or website and sit back and the sales will come !!! I think selling online, especially luxury items which I personally consider Art to be, is extremely challenging and takes a lot of time and effort. Which I know most of us here understand and work hard at, I have said before I find it ebbs and flows but when I up the promoting it flows better lol but with “life” and making sure there is enough time for painting its very much a balancing act …

Anyway with promoting in mind I have joined in the One day Sale thread today, i don’t do it as often as I did but its Poppy day today and I have three of my Poppies on sale …

Good morning all, flying visit at this stage of the day, busy morning ahead of me… Renewed two ACEOs this morning - I’ll be back later - play nicely… :slight_smile:

Lovely sky! Like this one
Jeanie x

hope my clickable picture works…:wink:
Had a very busy day and Need to catch up on lots of stuff and get the dinner going…chat later if I catch up

I appreciate what you all say but you all have to remember that a lot of you WORK with pc’s every day and so a lot of it becomes natural to you. I have had to learn all on my own with no help and at times it is difficult to learn new technology. I assure you I am not stupid.
I promote day in and day out and I put aside at least 2 hours a day to show my work, like other people’s work and list. On the dark side I show my work on 32 teams and on some teams that involves showing pics up to 50 times ! On Folksy I show my listings on a minimum of 5 threads a day as well as trying to join in when I have the time.
I was in my 50’s before I even turned a pc on !..with no help from anyone , I have had to muddle my way through it all.


You’ve done remarkably well Brenda. Lovely beaches Trevor and those poppies are fab Hazel.

Evening all :slight_smile: been trying to log on here all day from my phone but it just wouldn’t load :frowning:

Guess where I’ve been today? Here’s a clue…

Not a great photo, will take another tomorrow when the sun is shining.

Well done Brenda on getting your pics to work!

Fab paintings, I commented on the old forum thread.

Trevor I just bought the Perranporth pic, am really looking forward to seeing it in the flesh!

Evening all, woo - thanks Stephie! Be in tomorrow morning’s post - hope you like it :slight_smile:

An extra listing from me today as well - found my little donkeys hiding out the back, so I’ve just relisted them… :smile:

Stephie, I find the new forum slow to load on my phone too. I can just about manage, but I much prefer using it on the big PC screen. I’m guessing you’ve been to the library? :smile:

I’m sure you’ll love Trevor’s picture, his work is always even better in the flesh.

Cute donkeys Trevor

I am hoping that if anyone else gets stuck with the photo “click” thingy…I might be able to help THEM now…lol

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Another tip I only discovered today - if you post on the old forum first, just copy all the code from there and paste it straight into here and you get the picture complete with the listing :slight_smile:

Thanks Margaret, you’ve given me some reputation to live up to now…! :slight_smile:

Trevor I’ve tried that but keep getting spurious code showing underneath the photo…will try it now with an oldie to see what shows on the thread

Anyone know why that happens? Maybe @SianFolksy or @dougfolksy could help?

How strange - I’ve just copied the code from my yesterday’s listing, just see how that goes:

No, never happened for me… how strange…

Good morning all, Saturday already! The sun’s just burnt it’s way through the early morning mist here and it looks like it might just be a nice day…

Just listed this as an A4 giclee, but as with all my pictures, it’s available in a selection of smaller sizes as well…

Morning all, fab pictures Trevor.

Off out to another exhibition this morning, in Frodsham this time with Mum and Dad. Back this afternoon!

I was just thinking, I don’t dislike this weekly thread as much as I thought I would. Since this forum automatically takes you to the first post you haven’t read it’s not as inconvenient as I thought!

Stephie, have you played with your desert paints yet, I’m intruiged to see what you can do with them. Might play with mine later with some clingfilm maybe…

Afternoon Trevor and Margaret :smile:

Margaret I hope your Frodsham exhibition was good! Did you buy anything?

I haven’t had change to play with my new paints yet because we’ve been at the library everyday. I’m waiting for the paint that I squirted into the half pans to set sufficiently for them to survive the cycle down a very bumpy hill!

I took a better photo of yesterday’s artbar painting

just popping in to say Hi…had a really busy day and now time to go and get the fish and chips…no time for listing today either…never mind, I will list tomorrow …waving to everyone…

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OOOh getting clever now…managed to post a clickable picture to the art gallery without having to look up what to do…woohoo


Well done Brenda! Enjoy your fish and chips :smile:

Stephie, I very much enjoyed my trip to Frodsham arts centre. It was all animal paintings and there were some fabulous ones there. I saw some by Sharon Whitely who I met at Birchwood a couple of weeks ago. Everything was a very long way out of my price range though. I do find when art is framed in galleries it’s in a completely different price range. When I think of the bargains to be had on Folksy it amazes me that anyone pays those prices! That’s not to say they’re not worth it of course, I’m just thinking about what I can get for my money here compared to there.

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