The place to show and chat about art
Morning Margaret
This is one of my postcard sunsets from my folksy shop …
I have a couple of large sunsets I might list soon, not sure where to put them, here or there, folksy seems slow at the moment … I am also going to list my new wax on black too … again pondering where to list them ?
Hope you have a good Bank Holiday Monday
Morning Margaret and Hazel it’s a beautiful sunny day here.
Love your sunsets Hazel, they’re all lovely. Where to list is a dilema that I don’t worry about anymore - running more than one shop was giving me a headache and taking away the pleasure so now they all go on here.
Back shortly with a few new flowers…
The anemones are out in my garden, they’re so beautiful
And I painted these lupins yesterday too. We don’t have any lupins in our garden so I had a browse round the internet to see what they looked like and what the leaves were like, and then made it up as I went along. The original plan was for more detail but I think they look just perfect as they are.
Very pretty Stephie, lupins are a lovely cottage garden flower and you have captured them well
Such gorgeous art work! I haven’t painted for several years now but have been considering starting it all up again - when I get the chance. I am a water colour girl - I am too impatient to wait for oils to dry.
Jacqueline x
Hazel your sunsets are all gorgeous, that one is too.
Stephie, those anemone’s are lovely and do you think I could add that lupin to the order for the sepia gardens I saw on FB? It would be fab if I could buy them all together
Jacqueline, I’d love to see your watercolours, though I’m amazed you’d have the time with the children and the jewellery. What kind of things do you paint?
Hi Jacqueline, look forward to seeing your paintings
Good choice Margaret, the lupines are lovely …
I am just doing some listing here and there …
Looks great Hazel!
Thanks Margaret …
Thought I would do some listing today, looks like I might have a busy week ahead, now I have complied my to do list lol
WOW that was quick … now sold
Margaret - I tend to paint birds and flowers - mainly botanical type pictures but I have been known to break from the norm and go for the odd landscape.
I can’t paint horses - I don’t know why? They always look like they have been badly stuffed! Anyone else have difficulty with specific objects/animals/landscapes etc?
It will be a long time before I dust off the paints, I am sure. Once I do, I will post any resulting paintings on here for all of you to have a giggle at - I am VERY rusty.
Jacqueline x
ooh look forward to that Jacqueline. I have had the alcohol inks out feel a tad woozy now lol!. Here’s the first two, not listed anywhere yet and I’ve done 4 ACEO’s too
been out all day…will catch up tomorrow…
waving to everyone
Margaret I’ve listed the sepia gardens for you, here’s the link and I’ve put the postage at zero just in case folksy gets its knickers in a twist over checkout with the one you bought earlier.
Hazel those ones on dark mountboard are stunning, no wonder it sold so quickly. Just a thought for any future ones, maybe you could put your initials further in towards the middle? If the buyer has it mounted they’ll probably have to lose the signature.
Saw those on fb earlier Max, they’re stunning.
Jacqueline do show us some of your work, we don’t usually eat the shy artists…
Waving Brenda, hope you had a good day out.
I really wish the forum would work on my phone I’ve been out this afternoon doing the study vigil thing again (at costa this time since the library was shut) and it would’ve been nice to pop on here to chat.
Brilliant Stephie, I’ll head over there now!
Fab ink work Max.
Hope you enjoyed your day out Brenda.
I’ve been sewing more of my new project, does it look more like a tiger now?
Stephie, all done, though I couldn’t find a way to do it in just one transaction. Quite excited now about seeing those lovely sepia sketches and the lupins
That’s fab thanks Margaret. I had an inkling it wouldn’t let you do it in one go - good job I put the sepia sketches one at zero postage!
I’m not sure that I showed the sketches on here? I think I only got as far as fb with them…so here they are for posterity
great work Margaret and Stephie…sorry I haven’t commented on all the work today…what a day !!!
Not only out shopping ALL day but came home to find my neighbours car had rolled down the hill (very steep) crashed into another neighbours car and into their house !!!..not sure how it happened unless he forgot to leave it in gear…then when I went to list on the auction site it didn’t offer me US visibility and it always has…so I have been on the phone to my son to see if we could sort it out. Think it is sorted now…but I have hardly done anything today. In some ways, I will be glad to get back to routine tomorrow…I need a rest…lol
wow that sounds exciting Brenda, just so long as it wasn’t your house the car crashed into!