So here we go!
I was up at midnight watching the Miserables, but too tired to write!
My maddness has gone and I feel I have a calmer week ahead to catch up with you all. I am going to knit some stuff and time myself, not as a one woman race, but to see just how long it takes me to make an item.
But I may sneak a new knit in the work load as I am desperate to see how my new colours knit together.
Suzzie x
Morning just popping through to say have a good week all xx
Yes, good morning all, I hope everyone has a great week, I have a really busy one here, so I’d better get on x
I stayed up to watch Les Mis too Suzzie @thistledownandHOPE but unfortunately I have the week from hell ahead of me at work so expect I will be really tired tonight. Thought the film was quite good, never bothered to see it at the cinema when it came out as I saw the stage show years ago and wasn’t that taken with it.
Well must rush - first patient at 8:15 and got to get there first!
Good morning All,
It’s chilly here in Shropshire this morning and I found the first fallen leaves on the lawn this weekend. Autumn is definitely on it’s way! I’m hoping there will be lots of snow this winter to make up for the bad summer we had lol.
I didn’t manage to finish my massive sort out of the house on Friday as MIL called around with niece Willow then OH came home early, so I had the perfect excuse to stop and drink tea lol It will have to wait for a couple of days now as I have lots of orders to catch up on after the weekend from all my selling platforms
I think it will always be busier on the auction site but it’s nice that people are finding their way here too
I have never seen Les Mis, I think I may have to watch it on the catch up service when I get a chance. Oh is not really a musicals man. I tried to watch Into The Woods with him not long ago, thinking he’d enjoy it a bit as he rather fancies Anna Kendrick but he got bored after about 30 min lol
Anyhow I’m off to fortify myself with tea and toast ready for work.
I hope you all have a great day xx
The story line of Les Miserables is brilliant just a pity the setting is so muddy, I know that is how it is meant to be but it does rather make for a grey film! Funny time of year, summer definitely has gone to look for somewhere better to go, but I am not ready for autumn, but it smelt like that this morning.
So the burning question on all us newbies here on Folksy who haven’t had a Christmas season yet, is it really manic?
Just getting cuppa tea, be back in a mo’
Suzzie x
Damn! Didn’t realise Les Mis was on last night. Will have to learn how to use NetFlix. I saw it years ago at the West End, when we lived in London and loved it. I used to have the CD, but I leant it to a friend, who never gave it back…
Still laughing over a customer query from the other site: I had listed a pair of earrings with the Swarovski colour name and described them (title, tags,description) as “cream”. Customer asks “Do these come in cream?”. Wrote a long explanation, said that photos didn’t always show the exact shade, blah blah blah.
Guess what? No sale. This is the second query this week asking for info that’s already in the listing.
Suzzie it does get crazy at Christmas, I usually have to work 12 hrs a day just to keep up from Oct to Dec. But I do sell on other sites too. And be warned every year I have had people message me around 17 - 18 of dec asking if I can get things to them in time for Christmas, so many people leave things to the last minute!
Morning everyone.
Thanks for starting this topic Suzzie @thistledownandHOPE. Looking forward to seeing the new colours in you’re creations.
Hope you’re day passes quickly Roz @Rozcraftz.
I hope we get a lot of snow too Donna @RedDragonDesigns. I love from now onwards, Autumn colours to look forward to, leaves falling, crisp air. Can’t wait!
Bless you Rhiannon @RhiannonRoseJewellery. It can be frustrating when you have to repeat the product description, especially to end up with no sale afterwards. x
Hi everyone,
Just popped in to wish you all a great week and unfortunatley didn’t see Les Mis
Rainy here in Berkshire, hope the weather picks up for the end of the week, Reading Festival here this weekend, always miserable to see everyone getting wet & muddy when it rains, fingers crossed for sunshine!
Wow, well we’ve just had a mega downpour and thunder and lightning. Was driving on A1 and could barely see where I was going, had to slow right down. My daughter is off to Leeds fest on Wednesday, hope she doesn’t get too much rain there!
I saw Les Mis on stage when it first appeared at the West End and loved it, and still have the LP. I bought it on dvd to watch with my daughter a good while ago and hated it, the nasal tones of Russell Crowe really spoilt it for me. So if anyone wants the DVD they’re welcome to it, just let me know!
Ooo would love it Stephanie @StephanieGuy - what do you want for it?
I didn’t get to see Les Mis either, Hubby opted for the Bruce Willis action film.
Today has actually been dry and sunny on a day I’m at home, so lots of frantic photography going on. Now I need to get them uploaded and check they are ok.
Nothing Roz, just pm me your address and I’ll pop it in the post. The hunt is on to find it!
We had the downpours here as well Roz, @Rozcraftz, soooo much rain, the garden cant cope, the pond cant cope, the cat cant cope and neither can I. I love the sunshine. So an evening in tweaking the shop, catching up on all the small jobs and helping daughter sort out her Hama beads as she is making a patchwork Hama bead top to a chest for her shed. She has ambitious projects, that she finds hard to finish and so needs a helping hand!! and I love doing it as well. Will post photos when we have more than 6 hexagons done.
Suzzie x
good morning strangers.
Hehehe… Sorry I haven’t been about properly for the last few days.
I haven’t been to well. went to see the drs yesterday and got absolutely soaked.
Couldn’t believe how much rain came down my road turned into a river and the high St had puddles so big and deep the were like paddling pools.
It’s crazy.
Hoping there is no rain this morning as I have to go to the hospital for an appointment Andy coat is still soggy and my boots are too. I have had my medication all messed about. I’m on steroids now yuk, anti sickness tablets whenever I eat. And lots more changes. I have decided my body doesn’t like it when I rest.
Well on to happier things I have managed to make lot of bits and bobs.
Just need it to cheer up so I can take photos. fingers crossed.
What’s everyone upto? apart from hospital I’ll continue making lots of stuff. I made a few cards as well as jewellery but don’t know if they are any good. I’ll take some pictures.
Well I have lots of other threads to catch up on soon I’ll see you lot in a bit.
Morning all. Well I survived day one of my horrendous week, now to face day 2 Really think crafting is pretty much out the window this week. Apart from being busy at work my youngest is off to Leeds fest on Wednesday and as usual has left everything very last minute so I suspect we will be running around the shops tonight! I was planning to go and visit my sister for the weekend but my other daughter has decided she is coming home so looks like I’m staying put.
Oh well the holidays are nearly over and things will soon return to normal (whatever that is!)
Well the sun is shining here at the moment, so the washing is on the line, I hope it dries, as it is quite cool out in the garden.
Glad you are still crafting away @hobbitgirlie1880 even though you are obviously not firing on all cylinders good luck at the hospital today.
Daughters Hama bead project is looking good, but unfortunately I jogged one before it was properly ironed!!!
Intending to knit stock for the next few days so I can feel more in control of my shop, then when I have a few duplicates of my best sellers, I can then indulge myself with a new hanger design, bit like you have to eat the vegetables before you can have pudding!
Hope you all have a good and productive day
Suzzie x
Morning everyone,
Feel absolutely drained today. Have to take my lovely daughter to IKEA for something or other to go back to uni with, and I’ve just realised there’s a big sports shop there, so I can look in person for some (cheap) longer shirts for the gym: there are parts of me that nobody else should see, especially in a fitness class! Maybe an afternoon nap?