What are you up to today?

Last night I finished a patchwork top layer and am now hoping for some machine embroidery threads to arrive in the post today so I can quilt it. I want to show it at church during an Easter exhibition and need to make some small pieces of glass for the finishing touches.
I’ve been filling in a ceramic relief with glass powder so I can mould a glass bowl and have been cutting some glass sheets to form this (and some screen printed bowls).
I really should do some study this afternoon as I am a week or two behind. Obviously I should also being doing some housework…

What are you doing today?

Having a lazy day! No work for me today - meeting a friend for lunch. Might think about finishing off a couple of cushions I started on yesterday later tonight :slightly_smiling:

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Playing with my Valentine’s pressie of a photo cube and posting my latest work. Possibly some more wire wrapping too.

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Following last week’s burglary I’ll be doing a bit more collating of receipts for the insurance claim and when I get bored of that (ie about now) I’ll go back to a pair of cufflinks that I was commissioned to make.

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Learning to use my blowtorch and working on a Thor’s hammer pendant design.

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Off work today with a stinking cold. But at least got a bit of time to make progress on this custom order.


I need to do some soldering but Ive been putting it off as I need plenty of ventilation which means doors and windows open and a fan blowing, but I cant really put it off any longer, today is warmer than recent days, I want to make Mother’s Day versions of these.
Soz for the awful pic.

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juzt bought a cuttlebug die cutter and im testing it out. . . . may get a little addicted


I’ve had a lovely day out with my Daughter, Sister & Nephew.
A fun game of mini golf, followed by a pub lunch and abit of retail therapy :blush:

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Just been doing the finishing touches to this lovely table center piece.


I’ve been house sitting for my daughter whilst she was having some work done on it. In between making cuppas for the workmen I managed to get some knitting done though!
Now I need to investigate what a cuttlebug die cutter is, cos I’ve never heard of one before!
Oh and I love your table centre, Pauline, gorgeous colours!

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cooking and cleaning :frowning:
And making a mess of a Mother’s Day card I was making. Still I’ve made some gift tags and a small card to send to my friend.

I was hoping some more of my paper crafting paper’s would arrive to day. Now I’m sitting watching Pointless while the dinner is cooking.

DH has had to leave his car at work as the Power Steering pump has failed and he’s coming home via train and bus.

Today I did two sit ups, a press up and I thought about doing some star jumps all before scratching my bum and picking my nose; then I had a sandwich…and I didn’t even wash me hands!
Tomorrow I will be doing all these things again…but in a different order so as not to get bored.

Today i have been juggling housework with sorting out my Folksy shop - I did a little sewing mainly a patchwork square and then I finally got round to listing a few more items as I had access to a laptop and find it easier on the laptop - having an app for iPad or phone would be fab

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Well I had a lovely lunch out and did some shopping for supplies I didn’t really need but didn’t go to overboard so i’m excused. Then I tried to sort out some info that some people wanted about my house before they decide whether they want to put in an offer or not, worried a lot about my sick dog who doesn’t seem to be getting any better - another trip to the vet tomorrow I think - and finally finished off my cushions but ran out of time for proper photos so can’t list them yet.

and now to bed :zzz: