Sian, yes that’s a good idea, I like the name Wanted for a category and yes it would be a great place for people looking for supplies/materials recommendations. I like it!
Yes, ‘Wanted’ does what it says on the can - can’t misunderstand what that category’s about.
Wanted sounds great. I’m sure the supplies sellers wouldn’t mind the loss of a supplies and materials category, the current one is so underused and topics in there get little or no views at, the new Showcase category will obviously be a lot busier with the daily listing threads, art thread etc in there so it’s the obvious place for supplies sellers to post offers etc and hopefully get more views.
My only concern about the showcase category will be if people start a new thread for every new listing they add to their shops … it happens sometimes in shop talk and craft talk over on the old forums and it tends to spread like wildfire where one person starts a “look at my new thing” thread, then another person does it for theirs and another and so on and it can swamp the place. I do like the word showcase, it suits the category and sounds a lot more inviting but I’m just wondering what everyone else’s thought are on IF (might not happen) lots of people start posting new threads just to show their new listing instead of joining in with one of the other group threads.
Mostly just wondering out loud.
I like the sound of a wanted category though, definitely does what it says on the can and I’d be very surprised if there was any confusion about what should be in there.
Well you know what I’m going to say Leanne! The reason they do it on the shop talk is because nobody looks at promotions, I’d be prepared to bet the farm that it will happen on showcase too. Is there a way of pushing the stats, showing people that there is a whole world of potential buyers out there who are NOT sitting on the forums? It’d be such a shame to have the new forums cluttered with “look at my new thing” threads, or even worse, the poorly titled threads that are supposed to intrigue us “what would you do?” “Do you think…?” “Is it ok to…?”
I often think that those sort of ‘post and run’ threads are started by people who don’t really use the forums at all, just see them as somewhere to dump another bit of promotion. And it’s probably going to happen anyway, we can all disapprove as much as we like but the perpetrators on the whole don’t hang around to be disapproved at
I expect it will help that @SianFolksy as the power to move posts into more appropriate places and to merge threads but I suppose it depends how much time she has to devote to that.
As to the poorly titled threads, at least you can see now that you’ve read them, I always used to forget instantly and end up being annoyed all over again!
Liking the ‘Wanted’ section idea, especially if it can bring in the buyers looking for custom items.
Might be an idea to have a thread title called ‘looking for…’ just for buyers where they could post their wish list.
Would love it if the new look Forums could attract more buyers in, Louisa15 must get lonely here
I like the idea of a ‘wanted’ section too.
I like the name Showcase, but, as I mentioned n the old forum, in my personal ideal world I’d like a section for the ‘regular’ threads - the daily, weekly, monthly ones, all of their own, simply so that they’re easier to locate, but that’s just my personal preference
me too! I think you’re right in the main @ffflowers (ooh, it autocompleted your name!)
I like the wanted category too, although I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m not actually using the categories - everything is presented in last updated order in one list, and if I want to filter I’m using the “new” and “unread” filters at the top.
I’ve used the categories to find a thread I wanted to add to that hadn’t been updated recently, but yes, mostly I just have the whole list there. I think that may help stop people posting in the wrong category just so they might get seen more. I also like that you can see at a glance what sort of thing a thread is (assuming of course it’s in the right category!!!).
Yes, same here Stephie - I haven’t used the categories since my first look round the forum
I think the name folksy talk is perfect for the overall name, feels welcoming to all …
I like the idea of a wanted section, over the past few years I have sold to people who have asked for ideas on similar threads, I have also started threads when looking for gifts.
Me too Hazel -----------
is that the way around the 20 characters @StephanieGuy ? -----
Yup ------------------
Damn, doesn’t work every time - just tried to post the line above on its own to be told it was invalid and I needed to be more descriptive
A suggestion: instead of making a post saying “yup” or “me too”, you can click the like button. Topics full of “yup” posts are noisy and make it hard to find stuff.
I love the fact we have a like button on here - so much quicker and easier! I’ve used it quite a few times already
Not really, there are other buyers on the forums, like Sue65 for instance, and there have been others.
I’ll have to get my head around that Neil, it feels unfriendly to me not to reply with words. But I see your point.
It’s just the same to me as liking on Facebook - sometimes you just like or agree with something but don’t need to say anything
There’s a couple of other forums I’m on where I wish we had a like button, as it saves a lot of people all typing a post saying ‘I agree’ and making a thread huge, whereas if they could just like the post they agree with it would save a huge amount of space and reading of identical comments