Where is the friendliness forum?

Just for fun. Where do you think is the friendliest forum?
Great to know if it’s here?
I have found Folksy crafter’s lovely!
So bring it on, where is it?

It’s definitely here :slight_smile: It’s a great forum with lovely people who actually talk to one another :slight_smile:
Donna x


I’m not on any other forum but I like it here - everyone really is lovely.

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I totally agree, I love folksy, I had such a warm welcome, also even though I haven’t sold an item from my shop, I have been complimented on my work and that is soooo encouraging. There is so much talent with my folksy friend, I have bought a beautiful bag, make-up bag and some lovely home made cards. I’ve Joined in with the chats, games etc, yes all is good here !!!


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I agree … it’s Folksy for me. Like @suebeacham I’m a newby here, but the welcome has been wonderful! I’ve been with several online places over the years and Folksy stands out for friendliness. Time is precious, especially with creative people who need to spend long hours on their work … so it makes sense to keep chat places down to a minimum. Folksy has made it easy for me … this is the only forum I’m involved with.
Hugs All!

Yes it us really nice on here. Will be asking for lots of advice to try an get my shop going.

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I like it here because although our main reason for being here is to make money, we also have friendly totally unrelated threads about diets, chocolate and parma violets etc :slight_smile:


The chat about non-shop subjects is lovely, because I often find that something I thought was “just me” being daft is important and interesting to others. The range of people’s talents never ceases to amaze, and it’s easy to find something very special for family. Enthusiasm rules!


Welcome @Amberlilly. We are fairly new too but have found a warm welcome and lots of friendly advice.


This is the only forum I go on but everyone has always been so friendly and helpful.

Good for asking random questions about crafts.

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Definitely here! I ventured into the discussions boards on the auction site one day, never to be repeated. It’s too scary!

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This forum is the main reason I keep my shop hosted with folksy - it’s a lovely place to hang out and there’s always someone friendly around to chat with.


I have to agree with everyone else. it’s lovely on this forum and the friendliest iv ever been on.

Plus it’s nice to talk to crafty people. And to see what you think of what iv made.
You have all been so lovely

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The friendliness was what convinced me to move my stuff here from the other place. I think there are less misunderstandings because we’re almost all Brits so we have the same cultural references and humour.

Not only is it friendly, it is really simple to use and the functionality is consistent and works well.

I tried the Ravelry forums, but decided that they were a bit too shouty or dead as dodos. Nothing in between.

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So agree there, one reason why I’m trying harder with Folksy. I think like you said, its a culture thing! We are a bit quieter! :smile:


This is good to hear. I’m new to Folksy (only joined a day ago) and I’m slowly finding my way around. I’m enjoying it so far! :smile:


I really should make more time to be on the Talk Forum … speak soon Have lovely weekend all…
Kind regards

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