Anyone else had this happen

This is the 2nd time that this has happened. I find that someone has put one of my items in their basket and not paid for it. When I contact them about it, they say they thought it was like a wishlist and did not mean to buy it.

Just putting it into their basket you will not know about it, it would still be available for sale in your shop and you’d get no message from Folksy saying it was being ordered.

What they’ve done is put it in their basket then taken the next step which is ‘proceed to check out’ and then left it there ie not completed check out ie not paid for it.

Thanks. It’s just so annoying when it happens.

Yes I can image it would be especially as once they click the ‘proceed to checkout’ that takes the item out of your shop so no one else can buy it until either you cancel it or leave it for 24hours when it will revert back to being on sale in your shop.

The 24 hours thing does not work. :frowning:

I think it’s 24hours but I might be wrong and you might have to manually cancel it in the processing orders bit of your shop dashboard.

If it won’t work you’ll need to email admin in the morning and get them to help.

I have had this happen a few times some times after I have emailed the customer they will get back to me to say they still want to buy the item and do pay some do not get back to me within the 24 hours , there is a button to cancel the order the item then should go back for sale and the charges should be deducted from your bill
Hope this helps Val

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