Back in the 1970's

I won this watch in a competition I was very young :wink: just found it while sorting out stuff

Anyone remember Tickle from the 70’s it was a brand of deodorant.

how retro is that ? Great piece of memorabilia hey.


Looks like it was well used!

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I don’t remember Tickle but it’s a fun watch and it looks like you used it a lot!

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I don’t remember tickle either, but well done you for winning a competition.

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Yes it had a lot of use I really liked wearing it as it was different :slight_smile:

Funny that I found it after all these years, seems to still work too !!!

Yes I can’t remember what I had to do now but I did like to do competitions - I also have a compendium of games I won by collecting Trebor sweet wrappers then writing a slogan :slight_smile:

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I remember winning a David Cassidy single from Fab208.….

I used to love David Cassidy Denise watched the Partridge family tv show all the time lol

Ooh, my heart still misses a beat just reading his name…

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Strange - I wrote a follow-on to my David C mail on our Windows machine but it’s not come through on Android…
Just said that I was a big fan of DC and persuaded my dad to take me to see him at Wembley Pool - a 250 mile round trip. I was horribly disappointed because I wanted a “boy next door” and he came out in a tacky twinkly jumpsuit,writhing around the stage. He seems a decent grown up when I’ve seen him recently on TV, and the teenage crush is long buried anyway.

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I remember winning a manicure set from the ‘Bunty’ comic in the sixties, for a poem they published. Trouble is, I copied it from a book! I still feel guilty!


I remember collecting the wildlife tokens off the back of crisp bags to send off for the free different wildlife badges! Am I a bit sad?


I just noticed ( while pinching a drumstick lolly from little B’s stash ) that if you collect three tokens from Swizzels bags, you can get a free tin!!! (You still have to pay postage though ) So, sad @OceanArtsNorthDevon ? No, never!

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Perhaps we were at the Empire Pool on the same night! 12 of us went from school and we hired a mini bus which cost us ÂŁ3 each.

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Did anyone collect the picture cards from Lyons Maid “Space 1999” lollies? Just wondering because I painted them! They were a bit rubbish…

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Ha. My friend did the same with Bunty! Only this was in the 90s…


That’s a fab watch Hazel!

I was sorting out and found an envelope from the 1960’s in my very childish handwriting containing 30 gollies off the back of Robertsons Jam, anyone remember them, they were tucked down behind the label. I was trying to save 50 to get the badge or something I can’t remember now, I know they all played different instruments - banned now I imagine. it;s all addressed and ready to post once I had enough lol. Don’t like to throw them away now!


I have a golly model on my “miniatures” shelves- it’s playing a saxophone! I also had a few badges, one with a guitar I remember…Didn’t think anything of it at the time, and though I wouldn’t wear my badges now, my model’s staying where it is!


Isn’t amazing what we keep and fun to remember too :slight_smile:

We have been having a sort out hence me finding the watch and this weekend I’ve been looking at my old postcard collection many of which my nan gave me in the 70’s some date back to the early 1900’s. Lots of Southend where we live but some of other places. I took one of Felixstowe to the in laws yesterday as they live there now and we were doing a miniatures fair there. These old postcards are fun and a great talking point too :slight_smile:


I don’t really remember the 70’s as I was born Dec 69 but I do remember being able to get a whole bag of sweets for 10p , getting money back for lemonade bottles, 1/2 pences and the horrendous, but apparently fashionable, clothes that I was made to wear as a child !!!

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Does anyone else remember the cards in PG Tips? One of my aunties used to collect them for me and put them into their albums. I was out of the UK from mid 64 to Jan 66, then Feb 67 to April 71, with parents (dad was in the Army) so I have big gaps in UK memories, but this particular aunt tried to keep me up to date!

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