I just noticed my shop has more sold items than it did yesterday, oh good an order I thought, I’ll wait for an email, I haven’t had an email so I thought I’d check my orders online, no orders listed either and the items are still in my shop stock too ? 3 hand painted cards ?
All my items are one of a kind so only one listing each. How can they be in recently sold if there is no order ? and they are showing in stock too ?
Seems very odd … anyone else had this issue ?
Can’t help I’m afraid but I didn’t want you thinking that you were talking to yourself 
Maybe someone put them in their basket then taken them out again?? Hope someone can come along with an explanation!!
Thanks Jan but I dont think if they put it in there basket it adds it to your sold items unless there is an order.
I have no order showing and the items are still in stock but also showing in recently sold. It’s very strange? And a bit worrying really so thanks for replying.
When I sold something (red angel) which was not then paid for, it appeared in my Sold listings. I cancelled the order and returned it for sale - but it is still in my Sold listings with stock of 1.
Is this what you mean :
I didn’t bother mentioning the anomaly as I thought it was quite useful - gives potential customers an extra thing to view if they hit my Sold button.
I think there is probably a couple of lines of computer code missing - when an order is cancelled, as well as increasing stock levels by the ‘sold’ amount, it should also remove from Sold list.
Hi Joy
I have just looked and yes it shows them in the sold items with a stock of one, so I can only assum someone ordered them and then didn’t finish the order as I have no orders pending at all and no email or anything … Very odd as in the past I have had someone not pay so cancelled the order but not even having an order to cancel was puzzling !!!
Seems as you say a bit of a clitch in the code … Hey ho
Thanks for the reply