I sold 5 things to a customer yesterday and then found them in my shop again this morning. This has happened a few times before. I’ve hidden the items myself but wondered if anyone else has had this happen.
Yes, I’ve had it happen in the past, weird, not sure how it happened.
Yes, @MaisyMuffin it happened to me once, when a lady contacted me to say she was having trouble buying a bag. The reason being that the original bag had already sold, and she was trying to buy the same one! I then realised it had still been showing in my shop even tho it had sold!
That’s what I was worried about - fortunately the things had reserved on them this time because they were a commission but I’ve had it happen before. Must be a computer glitch.
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Could you email support about this so they can look into it?
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Thanks Camilla - I’ve sent an email