Contacting Customer

Hi, A customer emailed me via Folksy concerning an item she bought. I replied immediately using my email address but then realised that she probably wouldn’t recognise it and could be put in the junk mail folder. Is there any way I can email her through Folksy then she’ll know it isn’t junk? I don’t want to be labelled as a bad vendor for not responding to her. Thanks everyone in advance.

Hi I usually reply to the email sent by Folksy so they should know it is a reply to their email. If i have to contact a customer i usually put my shop name and Folksy so it shows at the beginning of the email so they should know who sent it.
I don’t think there is a way you can contact them through Folksy apart from replying to the email or emailing direct

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Ok thanks. That answers my question. I responded to the email immediately offering a few solutions, but as yet no response. Thank you for taking the time to reply.

What I would do is in the subject of the email write
‘Your order Folksy Order from margaretscrafts’
That should be okay , the customer should be able to recognise it as a legitimate email.

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