Customer's Feedback

Can you help?
From a Sale.My lst customer asks me “how to I leave you feedback?”

I have no idea really.
Can anyone tell me how that works from a customer’s side Please?

Are they a member of Folksy? Only registered members of Folksy can leave feedback. That doesn’t mean they have to be a seller though.

Thanks eh!

No they aren’t a Folksy Member,
which is quite sad, as feedback is very important to sales I’m sure.

from one Liz to the other…Love your prompt reply. :slight_smile:

No problem. Maybe if they could write a letter or send an email, you could make this into an image and use it as one of the photos on your listings for anything that is similar?

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Thanks Liz That’s a good idea.
From Liz Taylor aka Hazy daisy x

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oh Liz I’s not thought of doing that as most of mine sales have been to Guest Buyers.

I think though if they send an email with feedback you might have to ask them if you can quote their feedback.

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Yes I’d agree, thanks for adding that bit Eileen :slight_smile:

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At almost 75 Yrs of age. I never ask anyone permission to do anything.:slight_smile:
so will forget about feedback all together.
and hopefully start selling more items on the lead up to Xmas.
But thanks for your input & I wish you well .

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