Discount code - how will you use yours?

Noticed the exciting new discount code option. Haven’t really given it much thought until now, but it seems there are various different ways to use to promote sales. I’ve noticed some folks have the code at the top of their page,or you could use it to promote repeat custom, or push traffic from facebook (unless I’ve misunderstood the whole thing). So I was just wondering how you’re thinking of using it?

I’ve been using discount codes on Etsy for a while in various ways. Originally I set it up so that when someone purchased something they then got e-mailed the code for discount of further purchases until a given date or whatever. Never got used as I didn’t sell anything at the time. You can set them up in various ways over there but not sure you can do that here as such. Like, spend more than X and get a discount code for next time but if you don’t spend more than X you don’t get it etc etc.

I have one set up to match my Etsy store right now, which is just use TOPAZ to get 20% off.

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One way is to send a customer the code, either in an email or with their order.
As a thank you to use against future orders.

Shirley x


I have used Etsy codes for events too …

I’m giving the folksy one a try today …

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I’m going to offer a 10% code as a ‘thank you’ coupon (would be helpful if an option was introduced that automatically notified customers of the code when they made a purchase, but I’ll settle for being able to offer it at all! :slight_smile: ). However, I also offer a thank you coupon on the dark side, and even though I include a printed coupon with every order, and have had several repeat orders, people seem to use them very rarely… So I’m going to create codes for different occasions and promote them via my social media etc, because I don’t want to limit my audience - just want to encourage people to buy stuff! :wink:

If anyone reading here is tempted, my first code created is TANGLECRAFTY for a 10% discount. Does anybody know if the coupon codes are case sensitive? My instinct was to type TangleCrafty, but I don’t want to make things any more complicated for the customer than necessary…

I’ve just had a 20% off week and publicised it through here and on Facebook, but only had two sales- one to someone on here and the other I don’t think was even aware of it. So a bit of a flop. Perhaps I could send out a discount code to some of my previous customers, or would that be too spammy?

I am testing the codes. I created a 20% off code, and advertised it on Facebook. I did it yesterday and have sold 6 things already :smiley: I’ve been waiting for this function for a while, and look forward to being able to have a January sale! If anyone is interested my code is BB20 and is valid until midnight on Friday (I assume when you set it to expire on Sat, it expires at midnight on Friday?). I think it helps that my goodies are all unique and are priced at the ‘stocking filler’ price range, so an extra 20% off, makes them very reasonably priced.

Good luck everyone, I hope these codes bring you all lots of sales <3 x

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Just like comments above, I have codes set up in my etsy shop and a special THANKYOU10 coupon code that gives repeat buyers 10 % off their next order, It is sent with their shipping notification, on a card included with their order etc. But as @Tanglecrafts says, no one ever bothers

Set same one up now to be sent with customer’s orders and I will have to email it to them as well.

Was thinking of starting a sale today / tomorrow on Folksy so this is perfect timing to test the new system and customer’s awareness. Will promote like crazy on Social Media and keeps my fingers crossed

Flash Sale: To get 20% off your purchases until Tuesday 18th November 2014, please use discount code: FLASHSALE

Happy Shopping everyone x

Well, I’m glad this option has finally materialised ! , so I’m giving this a whirl…Apply discount code HAPPYNOVEMBER to receive 10% off any of my listed items throughout November .


I’ve got a question. When a customer uses there code, is it a one time use code for that customer? Just wondering because what’s to stop that customer using a code over and over.
Can anyone help explain?

I assume the customer can use the code as many times as she or he wants. I’ve been using 10% off orders over £15 to customers on Etsy but have only ever had 2 people use it despite getting many repeat customers.

Just added a NOTFAIR coupon code for 10% discount until Nov 30th (to compensate for the days I have to shut down online for local craft fairs). More details here:

I’d have to raise all my price’s if I were to offer discounts.

I’d rather keep my prices fair to start with so everyone pays the same.

The only people who get discounts are those who pay but cheque as then I take off paypal charges.

I’m not a bargin basement that devalues our time, and skills.

I’m giving it a try with 10% off for this weekend only :smiley:

I’ve offered 15% off with the code Owlcat. Only you and a few people on Facebook know about this!.. Valid until the end of the month.