Do you call them Gifts or Presents?

I always buy Christmas Presents and Birthday Presents, but it’s always assumed that people will search for Gifts. Do you think people may search for Presents as much as Gifts? We never buy Gifts in our family!

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Yes, presents for me too.

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When I was a girl many years ago now, everyone called them presents. We used to think it was the posh people that referred to them as gifts lol!!!

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We call them presents when giving or receiving, but when I’m looking for ideas they’re gifts lol :expressionless:

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I would call them presents (or an unnecessary hassle depending on my mood) but I always see things like ‘secret santa gift’, ‘gifts for her’ etc so I think that people are more likely to search gift compared to present.

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i say present, but when i search i would use the term ‘gift’ as this is seems to be the word that tends to be used in shops.

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I would never search for “Gift for Mum” or “Present for Mum” (for example). Anyone would think all Mums, Dads, Daughters, Sisters, Aunties, Brothers, etc, have the same tastes! As a Mum, I’m frequently quite surprised at the things I’m supposed to like! My OH also doesn’t like fishing, golf, vintage cars and so much of the stuff Dads are “meant” to go for :slight_smile:

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I use both - gift and present - and the term mum, dad, sister etc. I try and use all 13 of my tags and usually have space to use both gift and present. I’ve changed the way I use my tags recently and am trying shorter tags on my newer items - 1 or 2 words - and left the older 2/3 word tags on the older listings, will be interesting to see which works. I try not to repeat the same word more than twice. Having said all of this - I have no figures to show one works better than the other - after 10 years of selling online it still all seems a bit of a dark art :wink:


In speech I use both, online I use gift. Interesting topic!


I use the Presents as Gifts as something that is very American. Ask an American what a Present is and most would not know what you meant.

So if you are selling to America ‘gifts’ is the word to use.

I give and received Birthday and Christmas Presents never Gifts.



I only ever search on gift. Quicker to type than present and only has one meaning.


I give presents, but search for gifts… :slight_smile: