I’m struggling to get people to like my facebook page as I dont really have much of a presence on facebook (facebook phobia). Could anyone like my facebook page and in turn I will like your page if you have one. My page is
I just liked you and gave you a share to British Crafters https://www.facebook.com/BritishCrafters Pop in - it’s a good way to find fb likes, network & make sales too!
Thank you all, I have just been through everyone and liked your pages, Thank you for the Dottie for the mention on the British Crafters page, I look forward to looking through all the other crafters work. All you of you have wonderful things, its amazing how everyone is so talented yet so different.
If I have left anyone out and not like your page just let me know.
I’ve just set up my millinery facebook page today. I’ve never been good at keeping it up to date before, but hopefully if I get a few followers it might give me a boost! If anyone would like to help, visit me at:
I’ll of course like yours too (working my way through as we speak)
Isobel x