FB Newbie help!

Hi Simon :wave:
Don’t quite know what is going on with FB…after I set it all up yesterday, following the vid tutorial, I went on today, and they have suspended my account​:thinking::flushed: as far as I am aware I did everything correct, I even read a few posts in the sections I was posting to see if folk had left their shop links so I knew it was ok to do that where I was posting…
I joined a few groups and advertised a few of my items in a group that you could sell,so I am baffled​:face_in_clouds: but mostly annoyed :angry: at all the time I’ve wasted
I can’t email or speak to anyone (no contact details) and to be honest I really don’t feel like FB is worth the hassle, you don’t get this with IG even though they are part of FB… I had so much interaction after putting stuff on so I know it would prob help me but I think I’d rather try and do craft fairs
Not sure if I was in commence manager (I don’t think so) I created a page from my personal account, but one thing I did notice when I was posting was it showed my real name not my business page name :woman_shrugging:
Thanks for your help,anyway much appreciated

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It might just be a temporary suspension? Try again after a few days and see if it is resolved.

Good Morning :star_struck: Happy Saturday
Why would they suspend the account though :exploding_head: they seem rather fussy and a lot o hassle … I even had to send a vid clip of my face turning my head from side to side which I really didn’t want to do! so they could check I was a real person :face_in_clouds: but I only did it because I’d spent the previous afternoon setting up my page :rage: I’ll have to wait n see what happens … xx

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Hi Michelle
So when you start with a business page they have to review it first, I am not sure how long it takes but it could be a week or few days. I think mine took about a week so don’t worry. I tried setting my shop up with IG but it said I already have an account linked to my catalogue, which I assume its with FB but its owned by FB so not sure how to do that at the minute, social media can be frustrating and they keep changing things and has given me some headaches I can tell you but you will get there. Commerce manager can be tricky and I don’t fully understand it all yet but I’m sure I will.
You are welcome, if I can help in anyway I will. :smiley:

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Hi Simon
I thought perhaps it was because I’d been posting too much :speak_no_evil: I’ll be totally honest the first time I tried setting it up before I had help on the forums, all guns blazing I didn’t use my real name or dob cause I wasn’t sure if it was for me :joy::joy::joy: that’s the first time the account got suspended so, I reset it up correctly using my real info & was really careful to follow the rules then they suspended it again :rofl: dunno :woman_shrugging: why
If they don’t allow access then I’m afraid it’s bye bye FB life’s too short :grinning:

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:joy: I did the same with a false name to start with, you can only change it once then if you want to change it again you have to send a pic of some ID so it can only be changed to your real name. Anyway if its your personal account I cant understand why that would be suspended but I know they do it with the business. I have found a few things out today with FB business manager, its really good, if you can get on of course :joy:.

Well they have suspended me now full stop no idea why :woman_shrugging: I’m not trying again :joy:

They should send you an email when they have reviewed your account, good luck :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks thanks 4 your help

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You’re welcome

I have joined lots of local business groups from my Facebook business page and find them really helpful - ‘Cornwall Buys Local’, ‘Tavi Town’ etc - plus basketmaking groups. There’s also ‘Hike Those Likes Market Place’ - a really helpful group with lots of very good advice about using social media. Once you start looking and find the right groups, I’ve found a lovely local community of fellow traders/craftspeople - it’s very supportive :grinning:


Thank you :blush:

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You’re welcome :relaxed:

Thank you - I shall look into more of my local groups.

I think most areas have Facebook pages supporting local small businesses and shops. Here in Cornwall I use Cornwall Buys Local, Devon Small Local Businesses and Events, (we’re on the border), Tavi Town, and the Liskeard Page. As well as @hikethoselikesmarketplace. They are usually great community spaces.

Good luck :grinning:

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