I have made my first sale here on Folksy late last night. I have packaged and posted the item this morning and marked it as shipped, but I cannot see any functionality to send a message to the customer to advise them that their order is on its way.
Am I missing something? Can someone point me in the right direction please?!
Congrats on your first sale!
When you mark it as sent, Folksy automatically email the recipient to say it has been dispatched.
If you need to email in addition to that you use their email address on the order.
Either go to “Dashboard-Orders” scroll down and you should see recipients address and name, which is a link to their email or shop (If they are a seller)
Or, you should have received an initial email congratulating you on your sale, where the buyers address and name, which again is normally an email link.
Or Paypal/Stripe payment confirmation email, as above, address + name/email link
Well done again and hope this helps
The order details will include an email address, just use that.
There is no messaging system on Folksy, we just email when we need to get in contact with customers (the contact button you can find on shops also sends the message directly to the seller’s email, not through an on Folksy messaging system).