Folksy losing makers

Since the numbers appeared on the front page I’ve noticed a significant reduction in the amount of makers on Folksy. When it first appeared there were approx 6500 and now it’s less than 6000. (I have a vague memory of it once being closer to 9000, before the counter appeared, but really can’t remember where I’ve got this from). Is anyone else concerned about this?
It seems that Folksy is shrinking rather than growing and each maker that leaves takes with them a not-insignificant audience that were potential customers for everyone else. Also, if they’ve had a bad experience with Folksy they are likely to shout about it - particularly if they need to explain to their followers why they’ve moved to Etsy or the like.
I used to be a bit of a Folksy chart botherer (making it to number 6 on a couple of occasions - oh happy days!) but recently my views and sales have slumped despite no reduction in promotion. I notice other people are having the same experience. (Just wondering)
I’m a few days away from having to decide whether to renew my Plus account, go back to basics or hit the ‘delete my account’ option and shift everything over to Etsy. This makes me sigh with unhappiness because my heart was really with Folksy. :frowning:


People come and go all the time for differing reasons some come go then come back again depending on their individual circumstances.

There will always be ebbs and flows sometimes hardly noticeable while at other times there will appear to be drop off’s and big increases.

Perhaps @Folksycontent or @sianfolksy or @uxtest could give us an idea of trends over time?

I agree with Eileen, there’s bound to be people leaving all the time for a whole variety of reasons, and others will join. It’s all part of the ebb and flow as she says. I wouldn’t worry about it, it’s about quality not quantity of shops anyway so it’s not in itself a bad thing.

Folksy works for some sellers and not for others, you have to make the decision that’s right for you.

Selling is seasonal for a great many designer-makers, fitting their work in around other things and it’s very typical that sellers tend not to be as active when it comes to the summer holidays (many are away so don’t produce or list stock until they know they will be back and focused). Buyer numbers stay strong until mid July then drop slightly until mid August then things ramp up significantly in September. It’s the way it’s always been :smile:


I imagine lots of shops are closed for holidays etc at this time of year.

Sales are always down at this time of year too.

Shirley x

Thanks for the answer James, always good to have your input and to know it’s simply what always happens at this time of year. :slight_smile:

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My experience is quite like yours, Kaye. I was doing well until a year ago. I was even at number 2 in the best sellers list in May, then a huge slump and it never picked up again. Like you, my plus account is due to expire, but there’s no point me renewing it at the moment- my shop is well stocked and I’m not selling so not having to list anything. Presumably my listings will continue for another 4 months, then I will list a much smaller number of items and perhaps even double up on some things that are similar except for e.g. the type of stone used. I don’t want to come to the point where I’m not breaking even. And before I’m attacked by the Forum Police, I’m not blaming anyone or “being negative”, simply stating the facts.


Forum Police - do they wear hand felted uniforms? :wink:


I look at the positives: less competition for me :wink:


That was my first thought too :wink:

I agree with James, holidays etc. do play a part in the available shops. I have put my stock “away” as at the moment I want time to myself, not “having” to look at my emails on the sites that I have sold on. I have retired and enjoying the me time with my hubby and can book holidays whenever I like and not having to think about my sales, or making items to stock.

I’m still sewing, but purely for myself. I’m even trying new crafts, which I now have the time to do, and don’t feel guilty when it ends up in the bin, as my time is more my own. How long this selfishness will last I don’t know, but I am enjoying every moment. Still looking on the forums and voting on Craftjuice when I find the time. Marg. x

I’m no good at selling online. I don’t blog, Twitter or FB. Its a question of time as well as inclination.

Instead, I’m focussing my efforts on brick and mortar shops and exhibitions. Working out much better for me. So although i haven’t actually left Folksy, I’m certainly not making much effort to restock my shop with any new stuff. Currently, I only have very few items listed and so predict that by the end of the summer my Folksy shop will cease to trade. I’m sad about this, however, can’t say its been financially worthwhile this time round.

I may return with other ideas in the future but until then. Adios. Its been fun.