Hello!! i am not one to interact here very much but i do log in evry few days…my shop hasnt many items in just now but i do keep up to date…i am currently very busy making to fill my shop…could this be why my shop is not getting much views etc…i have had 1 sale last month but very little interest in my shop just now…criticism much appreciated…
Hello! How do you promote and market your shop? I tried looking on your Facebook page but the link is broken.
You should fill out your “Meet the Maker” section of your shop as this tells people all about you and why you make the items you do. This is what makes us handmade people stand out from mass produced items.
Images need to be the best they can be, as people are using the images and descriptions heavily as they can’t see it and touch it in real-life. If you are struggling to fill all 5 shots for each items you could put some “work in progress” shots in of you making the item for example. I’d also give measurements in both inches and centimetres as some listing have just one or the other.
Hope that helps
Like Liz says, you need to promote, promote and promote some more to get noticed on here. I managed to get the link to your Facebook page to work ok but when I clicked on your “Shop now” button it took me to your shop on the other side. If that’s where your promotion points that is where people will go. You have to drive custom to your shop on here as it’s very difficult to pick up customers who are just passing by. Try and interact on the forum too instead of just browsing. The promotional threads on here can be quite good for getting you noticed. Other sellers on here can also be potential customers. Hope this helps and good luck with it all.
Your items are beautiful.
But as folksy don’t promote you ,then you need to network yourself.
I post on Twitter Facebook & Pinterest. and I’m sure every other crafter does more networking than myself.
Otherwise your beautiful items will just sit there gathering dust I’m afraid.
so get Tweeting etc?
Best of luck
Thank you ladies for your responses…i do network and promote myself everywhere i have an account…twitter,pinterest.facebook page.i do have a blog but need to update that just handed out some business cards too
i have updated my shop with a bio of myself also…tweaked a few details and i am just listing some more items…one thing i will say i dont get involved with the forums much so i will now while i have my morning coffee
Thank you once again ladies…
Here is a board for your folksy shops
if you have friends who would like to join then they can leave there shop links here and i will add them