I love living in a village

We’re on day three of our village being pretty much cut off by the snow, and it’s rather nice…

We’ve got a steep hill (up to get out, down to get in) at both entrance/exits so only heavy duty 4 x 4s with nice chunky tyres are managing to get out. Needless to say, we don’t have one of those, our old van won’t move till the snow goes.

Luckily there are enough residents with these vehicles to keep the village shop supplied with sporadic bursts of milk and bread. We’re about a 4 mile walk from the nearest mini-supermarket, but they can’t get deliveries so they’re pretty much empty now, unless you want booze (oh yes please) and dried mashed potato.

Anyone else cut off from the world, physically at least?


I also live in a village, we’re not cut off from the world (yet) but it’s soooooo pretty here in the snow! I lived in a town till just before Christmas and I’m so glad to be out here in the middle of fields and woods now.


I live on top of a cliff in a little fishing town and all roads down to the harbour are steep and slippy. I’m staying here in the warm and just eating whatever we have in store. It’s unbelievably windy out there. Luckily I stocked up the freezer the other day :blush:x


I live right on the beach and love it! We have a village FB page and someone posted this morning they were sat in their 4 x 4 with a full tank of fuel and happy to get shopping, prescriptions, give lifts etc. How lovely is that?!


We’ve been snowed in since Tuesday afternoon. It is more of a hamlet that I live in, about 11 houses…there actually might be more horses than people! The local estate has had all their tractors and jcbs out clearing the local roads for two days now as well as pulling out stranded motorists.

I’m staying inside, cosy and warm and using stuff up from the freezer :smiley:


Sounds perfect! Not a time to go into labour though!!


That’s what I thought! Though you just need a kettle and some towels apparently! :slight_smile:


We live in a village nick-named Little Russia, and we do get cut off. 5 miles away is the highest point which has a viewing area and the next highest point is The Urals in Russia!!


I’ve given her a stern talking to :joy:
My husband had a moment earlier and desnowed the car, turned it on and ran the engine for 20 mins before attempting to clear the driveway ( not very successfully) as it occurred to him that if we did need to get out suddenly, it would take a while! Road is still blocked by snow though, so I don’t think we’d get far!!


I live in what can only be described as a hamlet as the council refuse to give us a name sign, so delivery men often shoot past to the next ‘hamlet’. There are lots of little areas like ours so the actual village we belong to is very, very spread out, fields everywhere and everyone gets lost. I’m a mile from the main road but snow and excess water (there’s a small river at the end of every road out !) can mean we get stuck in.
At times like this we are exceedingly grateful for the farmers who are also unofficial snow plough drivers. This morning one of them stuck a plough on the front of his tractor and very kindly cut a way through the drift so we could get to town (needed bird food more than anything as Amazon delivery of bird suet has not arrived) and to the post office (but no postal collection was made today as our lovely posties are on elf and safety orders from the sorting office).
Just remembered, I took a photo this morning, here it is :

That particular drift is what we refer to as our ‘laybye’ as it’s where spare visitors park. Not today !


Had given up on a postal collection anytime this week, including, was going to leave an order from last night until Monday to save clearing the car again. Then to my astonishment this morning, knock on the door and postie standing there, in a little snow drift.
What a service. I gave him my parcel which was packed up all ready, £3.40 and he took it away with him for Jo at the local post office to deal with and for him to take to the sorting offce.
Posties of Great Britiain I salute you :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


We can get out of the village now and along the main road towards the motorway, but this is the usual route to our nearest town, a bus route that I think won’t be cleared for a few more days.

Not my photo, pinched from a friend on FB, but those are both adults…



That’s great! I used to live in a little village in Somerset and would leave my parcels on the shut PO Counter on the way to work at 7am with a £10 note then pick the change up on my way home! :slight_smile:


What is the name of your hamlet, @JOYSofGLASS? I think we need to get it out to the world at large!

Sam x

The roads are pretty much clear of snow now, we managed to go out and do some shopping this afternoon.
However, I do live in a village which seams to be a game of two halves. My road winds uphill through the village. The road has been closed for a few days now. On my Facebook page I have shared photos hat a local took of what’s going on up the village facebook.com/knittingtopia. I won’t post them direct here as they aren’t my photos.

It’s my dream to live in a village but unfortunately they’re all too expensive in this area. I know we could probably afford to buy our dream house ( well, sort of ) elsewhere in the country, but that would mean leaving the family behind and we are used to seeing them very regularly .

My postman was my postman every day, he would knock and take anything I needed up to the PO as I can’t get there at top of village(use to work there back in the day)…then he would nip next door to M-I-L for coffee and freshly made jam tarts…the people from the next hamlet started to complain their post was getting there later and later!!!
Some of them are just the best
My hubby is here now every day so he takes it for me!


Leigh Staffordshire. Not sure I should broadcast it publicly. My postie might get poached :slight_smile:

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That’s an impressive drift !
To be honest I think we have fared quite well this time around and in fact previous two bouts of snowy weather this winter have skirted round us so we didn’t get as much as most.
Can’t decide if arriving back from 2 lovely warm weeks in India a week before this lot struck was good or bad. If we’d been a week later the chances are we wouldn’t have been able to land at Manchester airport. Just a bit of a nasty shock to the system And, worse, I always like to coat my skin in aloe vera when I’ve had sunshine on it, to preserve my tan and keep my skin good but… been tooooo chilly for that I can tell you :slight_smile:


Can’t get the thought of 2 weeks in India out of my head now… sounds wonderful!

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