I think I have an issue

It’s essential and fragrance oils with me, oh and cosmetic glitter… and craft glitter and embroidery threads, anything that’s sparkly, pretty or smells nice really :smiley: My OH won’t even come in to my craft room, it’s that full of pretty things. I’ve even got a pretty respectable bead collection even though I have no idea what to do with them! I keep buying them because they feel so nice when you run them through your hands lol
Donna x

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Demi I can match you on that one

3x 8 foot shelves of crafting books and mags, 2 further stacks of crafting books just over 3foot tall

4 large bins of fabric
6 large bins of yarn
2 large bins of beads
1 large bins of buttons
8 boxes of embroidery threads
a Filing cabinet of embroidery aida, and evenweave, and cards
2 large boxes of paper and card
1 large box of acrylic paints and brushes
1 large box of fabric paints, crayons, pens and pencils
1 large box of glass paints.
bags of tapestry canvas
3 large boxes of tapestry wools
2 bin bags of shredded paper to make recycled paper.
4 sewing boxes
3 sewing machines
box of leftover yarn scraps
box of leftover scraps of material
Papercrafting equipment
oh my the list goes on and on

You can see why we need a bigger house :blush:

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Oh my goodness! The next time my husband says anything about my wool stash I will show him this. It sounds great. Liz.