Hi, On other sites I have been able to add a facebook like button, so viewer can like the site. Is there any way to do this on folksy, I believe that I would need somewhere to paste the code in so viewers can like and share my site with others?
I have got the link to my facebook page and they can like from there so not essential, just wondering if it might be possible. Thanks
I used to have a facebook like button between the tweet and pinterest but it disappeared a little while ago and has never returned. Could we ask @folksycontent ?
I’m seeing one in both your shops listings (and mine).
Twitter, small gap, pin it then facebook.
I still have the facebook like button just after the tweet and pinterest buttons. Not entirely sure what it does as I clicked it (for one of my items) but nothing is showing up on my facebook page. I don’t know of any direct way to like a facebook page from the items - you need to follow the link to the fb page and like from there.
i can’t see where this is - is it that not everyone has it?
i clicked on your page and can’t see it …
Its entirely possible that not everyone has it depending on whether they are using a pc or tablet/ phone and what browser they are using. For me the buttons are on the right hand side at the bottom of of all the ‘other items from shop’, ‘subscribe to shop feed’ etc there is a little bar with ‘tweet’, ‘pin it’ and ‘fb like’ buttons.
That’s odd. There should be a ‘like’ button on all products. I just tested it and when I was logged into Facebook as a business page I couldn’t see the button (it just said log in) but I can see it when I’m logged into my personal Facebook account.
So it should always be there as long as you are logged into Facebook as a person and not a page.
Are you on a desktop, mobile or tablet @kernowclaire1?
I’m using my pc,
as Camilla says the fb icon only shows if you are logged into fb from a personal account, once you log in as your business page the fb icons disappear on folksy listings.
Can’t say I’ve noticed this happening previously?
The same happens over on Etsy - well, I never knew that about facebook before this morning!
@folksycontent I can’t see a facebook button when I log onto my account but can see it on others.
and I am logged in on a personal account. Rachel
I have a facebook like button for each individual listing but I had my own website at the beginning of the year which was too expensive. I managed to link my website and facebook together. If someone liked my website as a whole and clicked like, it would up the likes total on my facebook page. It would be to like the shop as a whole (not the individual listing)
I have a code that I would need to put somewhere for it to come up but I’ve been having another look and I don’t think that is possible on here. It doesn’t matter too much anyway as customers can like my individual items and visit my facebook page and like me there.
Thanks for all your replies