I listed a bunny calendar earlier today, and used the words ‘bunny calendar’ in the title, the description and the tags (bunny, calendar, bunny calendar etc to cover variations), but a customer has pointed out that when you search ‘bunny calendar’ my listing isn’t showing (luckily she’d seen a link I put on social media to find the item).
Has anyone got any ideas why my item isn’t showing when searched for? I’ve tried searching ‘bunny calendar’ myself, with no luck either.
Hi! Yes, same problem I’m also getting. I’ve just started my shop today & have no good idea how it works. I was super excited to open the shop but couldn’t find my item when I tried to search those.
No luck for me either. I hope some solution will come from this thread. xx
Must be a glitch - the search is usually really good. Frustrating, though, when we’ve listed new items and they aren’t part of what’s showing when people search
If you look in the ‘Folksy Issues and updates’ section there are a couple of threads concerning problems with newly listed items…it may be connected to your problem.
This is a new thing I think. Will Urgent message support I think. I just tagged @dougfolksy about it on the new listing problem but pretty sure that this tagging wasn’t doing that yesterday.
OK Support messaged.
Interesting also to note that no new shops have appeared for hours… wonder if there’s something amiss there too… usually Saturday is free for all for foreigners.
@JOYSofGLASS funny you should say that…I saw an item earlier that definitely wasn’t handmade… actually said it was designed in Hong Kong (I did report it) Only 1 listing in the shop, listed today, and definitely hadn’t seen the shop before so thought it must be new. When I checked out the new shops on the front page I couldn’t find it, but I’m sure it is new.
That’s interesting, Joy - I wonder whether Doug is trying something that might catch the Bad Boys trying to set up at weekends? [If so, it’s not quite working!]