Just sold something, and the order page shows it as pending payment. Paypal have emailed me to say I’ve received payment, however. That’s problem 1. Why is this happening?
Problem 2 is that the item, a one of a kind item, is still showing as available in my shop.
I’m not able to post till Monday anyway so the settings may correct themselves, but I’ve never had anything like this before.
I’m assuming its all hunkydory as paypal says I’ve been paid, I’m just puzzled.
I’ve noticed something similar, I think the shop takes a bit of time to catch up with itself. It should show up as having 0 in stock, so no one can actually buy it.
I had a similar problem last week received payment email from stripe and sowed as a sale in dashboard did not receive an email from folksy and the item was still available in shop. The item did not show in view items sold either i did contact support to check the order was ok
Looks like exactly the same as my issue. Folksy fb group suggest the buyer hasn’t completed the process by clicking the orange confirm purchase button after filling in their payment info. I suspect that’s my situation, so I’ve asked my buyer to go back in and complete their order.
Hi Jennie
I have had the same thing this morning, Stripe has contacted me to say that I have sold five cards a week ago and it is the first I have heard about it. Was the order alright in the end - what happened?
Best wishes