I just found out I got an order NINE DAYS AGO because I logged into my bank account and found a mysterious stripe payment there.
Mostly I’m just posting here because I’m angry. I’ve already emailed support. The customer hasn’t been in touch with me (although of course I don’t know if they’ve tried).
Has anyone else had this problem? I’m really not impressed. I’m considering abandoning Folksy if they don’t SORT THIS OUT and guarantee it’ll never happen again! This could affect my reputation as a seller, as a business, and as an honest person. I’m not impressed, and neither will my customer be if their order doesn’t arrive… yesterday?

Well, I hope this doesn’t happen to me! Since Folksy have removed the number of items sold from my shop page (which is where I always looked) it could be a very long time before I found out, especially if the buyer paid via Paypal! (Then again, I haven’t had a sale yet this year so maybe I shouldn’t worry too much).
Can I ask if Stripe usually send email notification when you have received a payment? I haven’t signed up for Stripe yet and this has made me think about how you are notified, as I always receive email notification from Paypal, that’s usually the first I know about any sale.
I hope your customer is understanding, good luck.
I don’t think Stripe usually does send an email, although I thought it did send notifications in the app, and it’s not done that, so maybe not. It is more convenient than PayPal because I don’t have to transfer it to my bank, so can just leave it to appear in my bank account a week(ish) after the sales goes through.
I’ve calmed down a bit now!
I just looked at my shop page - didn’t realised it had changed to view sold items, that’s quite helpful!
Thanks! I haven’t heard back from support yet, but not impressed. I’m working full time at the moment, so don’t have the time to be constantly checking to see if I’ve made a sale. Can’t post it until tomorrow and will have to send it first class rather than the usual second to make up for Folksy’s mistake.
I certainly had email notification from Stripe for the payment I had. (Though it was the first, so maybe that was special?)
I always have emails from Folksy, though, never missed. Assume you’ve checked you Spam folder in case your virus checker has suddenly decided they are spam, they do sometimes change their settings?
Also I check my dashboard daily, so would spot new sales, rather than just looking at my shopfront. I’m always in there to check my Stats, anyway!
I also check my dashboard daily rather than rely on email notifications.
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I’ve never had this problem. I always get a Folksy sale email. Also I get a Stripe and Paypal email too for every sale I’ve had. Could it have gone to your spam by mistake? Sorry if this has already been suggested, I haven’t read everyones replies.
Hope your customer is understanding.
I had a sale through stripe yesterday - I had the Folksy sale notification e-mail but not a Stripe e-mail to say I had received the payment.
I’m trying to remember whether you get one from stripe when the money is transferred - I don’t think you do.
I do like the fact that Paypal notify you straight away when you’ve had a payment - so when I sell something by Paypal on Folksy I get both of the e-mails together (from Folksy and Paypal) It’s much easier to notice!
ETA - just checked my spam folder and I don’t get any e-mails from Stripe during any part of the transaction. The only e-mail I could find from them was about updates to Stripe in February!
I always get an email from Folksy and Paypal, but I still check my dashboard every day just in case…errors happen. It only takes a minute to check…
It has been previously suggested in a different thread that if you aren’t receiving emails from folksy that you can check if they are being intercepted by spam filters (and that your email address is correct) by using the contact the maker button to contact yourself (you should get 2 messages, 1 to show the message you sent and 1 receiving the message you sent).
With respect to stripe, some businesses will be getting lots of stripe payments per day and don’t want their inbox clogged up so the email notification for payments is an opt in option. If you log in to your stripe dashboard then under ‘profile’ (icon top right of page) scroll down to the ‘notifications’ section and tick the box for ‘successful payments’ and then click on ‘save’ at the bottom.
I agree with Kim.
Whilst I agree that you should have had a notification it would take seconds to check your shop dashboard for any sales once a day.
I would do this for peace of mind.
Sarah xx
Just checked my Stripe login, and under Profile, you can select what notifications you get - make sure you have ‘Successful Payments’ ticked.
[OOps - just spotted @SashaGarrett already suggested this!]
Great minds and all that.
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I have had an email from stripe with each order and i always check my dashboard every day
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I’ve had one sale where the customer paid by stripe and I had emails to notify me of the sale and also when the money was transferred into my bank account.
I agree, as has already been suggested, to check the dashboard every day. It’s just a few seconds and worth it for peace of mind.
I’ve just sent you a message via your contact address. Thought it would help to check if you are getting emails from Folksy or not.
Joy xx
Hi Joy! I received it, thanks! Still no response from Folksy, but the order’s in the post now!
Well at least you know it’s not the email at your end. Always a good thing to check. I’m still firmly stuck on using Paypal until I am reassured that there are no problems with Stripe.
Joy xx
PS Not had a single Paypal problem since Stripe (which I’m not signed up to )was introduced

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I just tweaked my stripe notifications, so will keep an eye out to see wether that changes anything! will reply on this thread when I get a sale in!