Hi Heidi, I heard about it in the newsletter from the Chelsea Physic Garden. They were inviting entries and mine got selected (it’s lavender) also one of my students got one in. We both did them specially. I am delighted with the number of bids on mine.The bidders only find out who the artist is when the auction finishes later today. Looks like its raising a good amount of money for the Children’s ward.
It’s fab Stephie. I am just about to steam mine. I managed to paint a scarf last night.
Lol I’m steaming another RIGHT NOW
The painting is lovely - such a good idea to raise money and promote artists at the same time.
Good morning!
Here is this another silk scarf, steamed in the pressure cooker. I LOVE this method, although it does mean I need to amend my actual painting technique. For instance today I learnt that if you paint over your resist colour WILL transfer to other parts of the scarf. Fortunately it didn’t matter as this design is fairly random and has lots of splatters anyway.
Good morning all…great work all…today I have a 7x5" watercolour
Beautiful! And the scarf’s not bad too
Brenda, that landscape is lovely and cool looking - I feel refreshed looking at it
I’ve not tried silk painting - I have too many other arty crafty things on the go to try other things, and not enough storage space lol! I’d like to do batik again one day, though.
I bought some soy wax a couple of years ago with the intention of trying batik but never got any further than that
Waving Sara…love the horse paintings you did this week…I don;t think I would do very well with silk painting…I think at some point it might involve the use of an iron and I don’t DO ironing…not even sure where my iron is…lol
When we moved, over 18 months ago now, the iron was found and came with us…I’m not rightly sure where we put it when we unpacked it though…
Hi everyone, I’ve just rejoined Folksy after a long break and am looking forward to seeing all your work! I already know Brenda and there’s some other faces I recognise too.
I’ve not got any paintings listed in my shop yet but I have some pendants I made using prints of some of my paintings. I love abstract and I’m starting to develop a whimsical sort of style. These will give you an idea:
I’ve got to start work now but I’ll definitely pop back later this evening. Look forward to connecting with other artists (although I still have trouble describing myself as an artist lol)
Hello Dawn @thecuriousartofmadamej and welcome! You pendants and rings are lovely, I like your style and your photos are fab, I’m sure you’ll sell well.
Lol Sara @DandelionsGallery and Brenda @teabreaks, yes you do need to use an iron so that counts you both out!
After 2 hours teaching perspective yesterday afternoon boy did my head hurt! Thankfully now that they understand the theory we won’t be going near it again I prefer to use a pencil (to measure) and intelligent guesswork to gauge perspective, but it helps if you’ve got an understanding of the theory first.
Art club for me this morning followed hopefully by a little bit of silk painting later. I’m hooked again lol.
What are you guys up to today?
Morning all and welcome back Dawn…I love folk art people and paintings…looking forward to chatting with you.
Ha ha Stephanie…perspective…mmm…not my cup of tea as it usually involves straight lines and as you know I don’t DO straight lines…lol…
Strangely, at school my forte was drawing and once I picked up a paint brush I ruined everything.
NOW, I pick up a brush and never draw first…unless it is one of my cartoons.
I like to just slap on the paint and see what evolves…lol…
I rarely have any plans as to what I am going to paint…just let the magic happen (or not).
Back later with my daily listing…
today I have a hand painted cartoon card in my shop…I haven’t done any cartoons for a while, so thought I would add some to my stock
She’s fabulous Brenda!
Thanks so much Stephanie and Brenda! I look forward to chatting too.
Perspective sounds like heavy going - I don’t do straight lines either, I like to think my art is perfectly imperfect
It been a really busy day at work so I’m restricting my computer time tonight but I’ll definitely be back tomorrow
And great cartoon Brenda @teabreaks - she’s fab and I wish I looked so good in a bikini!!