Monthly Art Chat : October Come on in all welcome

Yes I agree Brenda, let’s hope they are real sales …

That’s a dilemma Brenda. Taxis would probably do the job and be less stressful, and at least you’d know what your costs are.

I’ve had 6 sales and am waiting for payment too. I wonder if it’s the same buyer?

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Interesting !!! We’re they ACEO Stephie ?

Yes, all aceo

Let’s hope we have a new collector on folksy today :slight_smile:


sounds strange that we all have the same thing…I had three sales from the customer (paid for) and two more in her basket and still there…all aceos.

does anyone know how long they stay in someone’s basket and is it down to the potential customer to put them back, or do they automatically return after a certain amount of time.?
It sounds possible that this customer went through and chose a lot and then decided which ones she wanted to buy and pay for. …interesting…

I think that a customer has to check out before the sold email is sent, I don’t think we get notified if our items are just in a basket…but I could very well be wrong.

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so if a customer puts something in their basket and forgets about it…could it just stay there, or is it automatically put back in our shop after a certain amount of time. I know that the email comes when an item is sold but I also got another email saying that two more were sold and pending payment…which means they are sat in their basket and they might have no intention of buying them…we will all have to keep an eye on it.
In the mean time…just listed this one.

I have sent a message to admin to ask them to clarify the situation on items left in a shopper’s basket. I asked if WE have to do something to get them back in our shop or are they automatically returned after a few days?. …watch this space

Morning all, wow there was a lot going on yesterday I came home to 7 sales, 6 waiting payment and 1 paid for all ACEO too, looks like we may have some new collectors ;). You can cancel the unpaid for ones almost straight away now just go to the order and scroll down to the bottom of the page, used to have to wait 24 hours but not any longer, I cancelled the unpaid ones guessing the person had added them all to help make a decision on which one they wanted, and I’m not sure if as a guest buyer they would be able to ‘log back in’ to go to a basket like you can if you are a member?

Ouch Brenda that was expensive, mine is going in on Monday, hope I don’t have to use my Christmas Savings :open_mouth:

Morning all.
Max, THANKS for that, I have been to my dashboard and put the items back in my shop…
I suspect that the same person is responsible for all of this and we must be grateful for the sales !! At least they are now available again for other customers. (You learn something every day !!)
The problem with the car , is that we bought it brand new thinking it would see me out for the rest of my driving life…it has been nothing but a disaster from day 1 and we used most of our remaining savings to buy it… It quite upsets me to even think about it and of course, I am now anxious about driving it despite being in an almost “as new” state.
On a good note, while we still have a car, ( ha ha) we are hoping to go to Swansea today as there is an art exhibition on in the Grand Theatre and I am fb friends with the lady artist. She even invited me to the open evening last Friday but I don;t like going out at night and parking (and walking alone) in the city. The sun is shining, so hopefully (when hubby gets up) we can go and admire her artwork.

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Morning all! :smile:

Enjoy the trip to Swansea Brenda, hope the art exhibition is good.

I’m having a day off work next Thursday to go to an exhibition in Tarporley, and then there’s one next Saturday near Chester, both should be good!

got this from admin, so told them I would copy and paste it for us all to read. .

Just to clarify - there is a difference between a buyer adding an item to their basket and them placing an order which is not paid for.

If a buyer adds an item to their basket you will not get any notification, and the item is not removed from your shop until the buyer proceeds to checkout, enters their delivery details and clicks on ‘Confirm and pay’. If an item is simply added to a basket, there’s nothing you can or need to do because the item has not been removed from sale.

It is only at the point of ‘Confirm and pay’ that you are sent an email about the order, you will see the order on your Dashboard and the item is removed from your shop. In this instance, if the buyer does not pay, you need to cancel the order to return the item for sale. You can do this by clicking the ‘view order detail page’ next to the order on your Dashboard. You should see a cancel button towards the bottom of the order detail page.

I hope that helps but if you have any more questions, please let us know.

Thanks Brenda, that is very helpful.

a touch of a fantasy woodland today.


Morning all

I thought I would show you what I was up to yesterday …

I was commissioned to paint a miniature version of my Sunflower Valley painting which has now been confirmed the smallest one in this photo will be on its way overseas later today …

This is one of my larger pieces at 16 x12 so a real challenge to paint small :slight_smile:

The other small one 4x3 inches is for sale too so I might list it here later :slight_smile:


Good morning, wow Hazel that really is teenie weenie :smiley:

Not a great photo as its too dark but I’m still loving the pastels, this was yesterday’s work


Brilliant work Hazel and Max, love them both!

Morning Margaret :slight_smile:

Lovely Barrrrr lamb Max :slight_smile:

I’m just off to the post office I now have three minis to post and hopefully have a coffee out before we do some shopping …

hope you all have a good day
