Monthly Art Chat : October Come on in all welcome

Afternoon all, I’m just back from Chester (again!) I’ve done over 14,000 steps already today, most of them along the river Dee, it’s been a beautiful and very mild day.

Sounds lovely Margaret nice to be out in the fresh air and yes it is very mild here too, I don’t like the cold so always thankful for warm days :slight_smile:

I’ve sorted my errands and treated myself to a latte, had my hair done and even managed a tiny painting session so all good :slight_smile:

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Afternoon all…Great work Max and Hazel…
Margaret, well done on the steps…when we were last in Chester we had a lovely boat trip along the river…soooo peaceful and beautiful…I love water…very calming…(better than CARS…lol)
I need to get painting as goodness knows what we are going to do about the car situation. (left to me I would either get a small runaround or get taxis, but hubby can’t manage on public transport…so lots of thinking to do)
To compensate from the trauma, I sat in bed with my breakfast, watching art dvd’s. I have one by Joanne Boon Thomas on painting flowers…very inspiring…Now I just need to put some of the ideas into practice…
enjoy your day everyone…


I love Joanne’s style, her brusho dvd is amazing.

We’ve been buying wood to make budgie Lolly a ramp so that he can get back to his cage. He’s been clipped to can’t fly upwards very well, so once he’s on the floor he’s kind of stuck :bird:

Just about to list a new mini, back shortly…


Forgot to say how lovely all the new paintings are on here. I especially love the illustrative style of your pastel paintings Max.

Hazel your sunflowers are gorgeous, the minis are particularly adorable.

Brenda you’ve got a lovely soft hazy glow in your woodland landscape.

Here’s my new listing, another teeny tiny one

waving Stephie…lovely TINY work…I find it difficult to paint large now…do you?

I hope not Brenda, I’ve still got that 2 x 6 foot commission to tackle!

I did an A4 robin yesterday, but I really do need to get my backside in gear and get sketching big in preparation.


Morning everyone, I know what you mean about painting big Brenda, I can just about manage an A4 but still struggle with any bigger so used to painting tiny lol! I had a very productive day yesterday finished a couple more bird ACEO and several ink abstract flowers, going choose which to put in the exhibition now, I’ll take pics later and post my final selections.


Sounds good Max, look forward to seeing them! :slight_smile:

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Morning Max and Margaret

Look forward to seeing you new pieces Max :slight_smile:

I’m hooked on painting in miniature but still paint large …

I’ve blogged this morning about mini’s and fun ways to display a miniature art collection …

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Lovely blog Hazel :smile:

It’s a small world isn’t it. I went to church this morning and was asked to give a lift by a girl I’ve never met before, on a visit from Poland. When chatting on the drive to where she’s staying she asked where I work, when I told her I work at AMEC she said she knows someone who also works there. We have a mutual friend who is based at the same Knutsford office as me! :smile:


It is a small world isn’t it Margaret.

Thank you so much for the lovely comment on my blog you have made my day :slight_smile:


Definitely a small world Margaret…I have bumped into friends in the most obscure places. Once on a lonely country lane in Cornwall (dad driving then) we passed 6 boys on bikes, from my school class in London. One of our neighbours was in Oz and walked past someone he worked with here in Wales !
Hope to have some painting time later…Playing with watercolour washes.

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Morning all…it has just started to rain here and we are forecast heavy winds…good day for painting.
Here is my listing for today


Good morning all! :smile:

Very seasonal and very pretty Brenda. We’ve got a bad forecast for tomorrow, but I’ll be in the office anyway so it won’t make a lot of difference.

Hope the drive to work is ok then Margaret…supposed to be VERY windy

Good morning everyone,
The sun is shining this morning, must get out in the garden to tidy up. I thought I would show you this Mandala art before I start, once completed I think I might frame it. What do you think and would it sell? Be honest :sunny:

Esterina x


Hi Esterina, I’ve not heard of Mandala art, but this is very beautiful. I love the vibrant colours and the patterns. There’s not reason why it wouldn’t sell.

Brenda, I’m trying not to think about the drive in!lol

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Morning all waving hi!. I think it’s beautiful Esterina, no reason at all it wouldn’t sell, go for it!

Beautiful painting Brenda.

Just loaded my Exhibit work on my FB Page here’s the link if anyone fancies a squiz

Whilst I had the inks out I painted a few extra bits and bobs just listed this one


oh wow Max that’s gorgeous!

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